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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第1,7011,710项(搜索用时0.019秒)
multimedia/mp4box-0.5.0 (Score: 0.0062662633)
Tool for merge mpg4 from Gpac
mp4box is a mp4 container merge tool from gpac. Documentation here: http://gpac.sourceforge.net/doc_mp4box.php
multimedia/vdr-plugins-1.7.29 (Score: 0.0062662633)
Video Disk Recorder - plugin metaport
Preliminary port of the vdr development branch, use at your own risk! :) This is just a metaport that lets you select the plugins you want to install. See vdr/webcamd dvb thread(s) on the freebsd-multimedia list and the wiki for FreeBSD notes: http://wiki.freebsd.org/VDR Some links are also here: http://people.freebsd.org/~nox/dvb/ and see these links for general vdr info: http://www.linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/Main_Page http://www.vdr-portal.de/
multimedia/vdr-1.7.29 (Score: 0.0062662633)
Video Disk Recorder - development version
Preliminary port of the vdr development branch, use at your own risk! :) See vdr/webcamd dvb thread(s) on the freebsd-multimedia list and the wiki for FreeBSD notes: http://wiki.freebsd.org/VDR Some links are also here: http://people.freebsd.org/~nox/dvb/ and see these links for general vdr info: http://www.linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/Main_Page http://www.vdr-portal.de/
www/utidy-0.2 (Score: 0.0062662633)
Python interface to tidy-lib
This is uTidylib, the Python wrapper for the HTML cleaning library named TidyLib: http://tidy.sf.net
textproc/escape_utils-1.2.1 (Score: 0.0061578727)
Faster string escaping routines for your web apps
Async (EventMachine) HTTP client, with support for: o Asynchronous HTTP API for single & parallel request execution o Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining support o Auto-follow 3xx redirects with max depth o Automatic gzip & deflate decoding o Streaming response processing o Streaming file uploads o HTTP proxy and SOCKS5 support o Basic Auth & OAuth o Connection-level & Global middleware support o HTTP parser via http_parser.rb o Works wherever EventMachine runs: Rubinius, JRuby, MRI
textproc/escape_utils-1.2.1 (Score: 0.0061578727)
Faster string escaping routines for your web apps
Async (EventMachine) HTTP client, with support for: o Asynchronous HTTP API for single & parallel request execution o Keep-Alive and HTTP pipelining support o Auto-follow 3xx redirects with max depth o Automatic gzip & deflate decoding o Streaming response processing o Streaming file uploads o HTTP proxy and SOCKS5 support o Basic Auth & OAuth o Connection-level & Global middleware support o HTTP parser via http_parser.rb o Works wherever EventMachine runs: Rubinius, JRuby, MRI
databases/phpMyAdmin-4.6.4 (Score: 0.0061316206)
Set of PHP-scripts to manage MySQL over the web
Currently phpMyAdmin can: * browse and drop databases, tables, views, columns and indexes * display multiple results sets through stored procedures or queries * create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, columns and indexes * maintain server, databases and tables, with proposals on server configuration * execute, edit and bookmark any SQL-statement, even batch-queries * load text files into tables * create and read dumps of tables * export data to various formats: CSV, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet, Microsoft Word 2000, and LATEX formats * import data and MySQL structures from OpenDocument spreadsheets, as well as XML, CSV, and SQL files * administer multiple servers * manage MySQL users and privileges * check referential integrity in MyISAM tables * using Query-by-example (QBE), create complex queries automatically connecting required tables * create PDF graphics of your database layout * search globally in a database or a subset of it * transform stored data into any format using a set of predefined functions, like displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link * track changes on databases, tables and views * support InnoDB tables and foreign keys * support mysqli, the improved MySQL extension * create, edit, call, export and drop stored procedures and functions * create, edit, export and drop events and triggers * communicate in 62 different languages
devel/cvsd-1.0.18 (Score: 0.0061316206)
CVS pserver daemon
cvsd is a wrapper program for cvs in pserver mode. It will run 'cvs pserver' under a special uid/gid in a chroot jail. cvsd is run as a daemon and is controlled through a configuration file. It is relatively easy to configure and tools are provided for easily setting up a rootjail. This server can be useful if you want to run a public cvs pserver. You should however be aware of the security limitations of running a cvs pserver. If you want any kind of authentication you should really consider using secure shell as a secure authentication mechanism and transport. Passwords used in cvs pserver are transmitted in plaintext and this wrapper won't change that. This server adds a layer of security to cvs. cvs is a very powerful tool and is capable of running scripts and other things. By running cvs in a rootjail it is possible to limit the amount of "damage" cvs can do if it is exploited. It is generally a good idea to run cvsd without any write permissions to any directory on the system.
security/denyhosts-2.6 (Score: 0.0061316206)
Script to thwart ssh attacks
DenyHosts is a script intended to be run by *ix system administrators to help thwart ssh server attacks. If you've ever looked at your ssh log (/var/log/auth.log ) you may be alarmed to see how many hackers attempted to gain access to your server. Denyhosts helps you: - Parses /var/log/auth.log to find all login attempts - Can be run from the command line, cron or as a daemon (new in 0.9) - Records all failed login attempts for the user and offending host - For each host that exceeds a threshold count, records the evil host - Keeps track of each non-existent user (eg. sdada) when a login attempt failed. - Keeps track of each existing user (eg. root) when a login attempt failed. - Keeps track of each offending host (hosts can be purged ) - Keeps track of suspicious logins - Keeps track of the file offset, so that you can reparse the same file - When the log file is rotated, the script will detect it - Appends /etc/hosts.allow - Optionally sends an email of newly banned hosts and suspicious logins. - Resolves IP addresses to hostnames, if you want
security/libssh-0.7.3 (Score: 0.0061316206)
Library implementing the SSH1 and SSH2 protocol
The ssh library was designed to be used by programmers needing a working SSH implementation by the mean of a library. The complete control of the client is made by the programmer. With libssh, you can remotely execute programs, transfer files, use a secure and transparent tunnel for your remote programs. With its Secure FTP implementation, you can play with remote files easily, without third-party programs others than libcrypto (from openssl). libssh features: * Full C library functions for manipulating a client-side SSH connection * SSH2 and SSH1 protocol compliant * Fully configurable sessions * Server support, SSH agent authentication support * Support for AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, Blowfish, 3DES in CBC mode * Use multiple SSH connections in a same process, at same time * Use multiple channels in the same connection * Thread safety when using different sessions at same time * POSIX-like SFTP implementation with openssh extension support * SCP implementation * RSA and DSS server public key supported * Compression support (with zlib) * Public key (RSA and DSS), password and keyboard-interactive authentication