Ports Search

Results 2,1912,200 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.009 seconds)
www/CGI-Response-0.03 (Score: 0.0039761425)
Perl module allowing response construction for CGI applications
CGI::Response is a Perl5 module for constructing responses to Common Gateway Interface (CGI) requests. It is designed to be light-weight and efficient for the most common tasks, and also to provide access to all HTTP response features for more advanced CGI applications. There are two ways to use CGI::Response. For basic applications, the Simple Interface provides a number of plain functions that cover the most commonly-used CGI response headers. More advanced applications may employ the Full Interface object methods to access any HTTP header, or to add experimental or non-standard headers. Both interfaces try to generate reasonable defaults whenever possible.
www/spreadlogd-1.4.2 (Score: 0.0039761425)
The backend of mod_log_spread
If you kill -HUP or kill the spreadlogd process, it will not actually process the signal until after it has received its next message from Spread. You can move your log files to new names and then kill -HUP and it will reopen the log files. This is useful for seamless log rotation without losing any messages. Spread is really cool. It is a poweful group communication toolkit developed at the Center for Networking and Distributed Systems at the Johns Hopkins University (http://www.spread.org/ and http://www.cnds.jhu.edu/, respectively).
accessibility/orca-3.18.2 (Score: 0.003956659)
Scriptable screen reader
Orca a scriptable screen reader that is currently under development. As such it is highly unstable and undergoes frequent changes. To read more about Orca, please refer to the Orca documentation series available in the ./docs/doc-set directory and also the Orca WIKI at http://live.gnome.org/Orca.
audio/raop_play-0.5.1 (Score: 0.003956659)
Music file player for Apple Airport Express
raop_play is a music file player for Apple Airport Express, the main functionalities are as follows: * Discover Airport Express by Apple Rendezvous * Browse music files (Supported music file format: m4a(alac or aac), wav, mp3, ogg, aac, pls) * Send selected files to the Airport Express * Play mp3 stream data (filename started with "http://")
benchmarks/dhrystone-2.1 (Score: 0.003956659)
Computing benchmark for integer operations
Dhrystone is a synthetic computing benchmark program developed in 1984 by Reinhold P. Weicker intended to be representative of system (integer) programming. The Dhrystone grew to become representative of general processor (CPU) performance. DMIPS value is result of dhrystone test divided by 1757, results are often reported in DMIPS/MHz. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhrystone.
comms/openobex-1.7.1 (Score: 0.003956659)
Open source implementation of the OBEX protocol
The overall goal of this project is to make an open source implementation of the Object Exchange (OBEX) protocol. OBEX is a session protocol and can best be described as a binary HTTP protocol. It's used mainly for Infrared and Bluetooth communication.
devel/log4c-1.2.4 (Score: 0.003956659)
Logging for C Library
Log4C is a library of C for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for Java library (http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/docs/index.html), staying as close to their API as is reasonable.
devel/tclvfs-20080503 (Score: 0.003956659)
Tcl VirtualFileSystem layer
The TclVfs project aims to provide an extension to the Tcl language which allows Virtual Filesystems to be built using Tcl scripts only. It is also a repository of such Tcl-implemented filesystems (metakit, zip, ftp, tar, http, webdav, namespace, url)
ftp/jftp-1.56 (Score: 0.003956659)
Java Network Browser
JFtp is a graphical network browser. It support various types of connections like FTP, SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP and local ones, has a nice swing gui, lots of features and can be started and (auto)updated using Java Web Start in any browser (link on homepage).
games/sdlsand-20061017 (Score: 0.003956659)
Simulation of falling sand and other materials
The SDL Sand game (The Falling SDL-Sand Game) is a C++ implementation of the original 'World of Sand' (and later 'Hell of Sand') game implemented in JAVA. SDL Sand uses the SDL (Simple DirectMedia Library - http://www.libsdl.org/) library for screen output. Therefore the implementation can possibly run on every platform supported by SDL.