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Results 1,4711,480 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.008 seconds)
devel/libvanessa_logger-0.0.10 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Library that provides a generic logging layer
libvanessa_logger provides a generic logging layer that may be used to log to one or more of syslog, an open file handle or a file name. Though due to limitations in the implementation of syslog opening multiple syslog loggers doesn't makes sense. Includes the ability to limit which messages will be logged based on priorities.
devel/IPC-Run3-0.048 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Run a subprocess in batch mode
This module allows you to run a subprocess and redirect stdin, stdout, and/or stderr to files and perl data structures. It aims to satisfy 99% of the need for using system()/qx``/open3() with a simple, extremely Perlish API and none of the bloat and rarely used features of IPC::Run.
devel/iCal-Parser-1.20 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Parse iCalendar files into a data structure
This module processes iCalendar (vCalendar 2.0) files as specified in RFC 2445 into a data structure. It handles recurrences ("RRULE"s), exclusions ("EXDATE"s), event updates (events with a "RECURRENCE-ID"), and nested data structures ("ATTENDEES" and "VALARM"s). It currently ignores the "VTIMEZONE", "VJOURNAL" and "VFREEBUSY" entry types.
devel/libfastjson-0.99.4 (Score: 0.0011817855)
libfastjson is a fork from json-c
The aim of this project is not to provide a slightly modified clone of json-c. It's aim is to provide * a small library with essential json handling functions * sufficiently good json support (not 100% standards compliant) * be very fast in processing In order to reach these goals, we reduce the features of json-c. For similarities and differences, see the file DIFFERENCES.
devel/omniorb-3.7 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Python bindings for omniORB4, a CORBA 2.6 ORB
omniORBpy is an object request broker (ORB) for Python which implements specification 2.6 of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). omniORBpy is implemented as a Python extension module (written in C++) to provide bindings for omniORB4, a high performance C++ ORB. This is the legacy version, based upon omniORB-4.1.
devel/adime-2.2.1 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Generate Allegro dialogs in a simple way
Adime is a portable add-on library for Allegro with functions for generating Allegro dialogs in a very simple way. Its main purpose is to give as easy an API as possible to people who want dialogs for editing many kinds of input data.
devel/rice-2.1.0 (Score: 0.0011817855)
A C++ interface to Rubys C API
Rice is a C++ interface to Ruby's C API. It provides a type-safe and exception-safe interface in order to make embedding Ruby and writing Ruby extensions with C++ easier. It is similar to Boost.Python in many ways, but also attempts to provide an object-oriented interface to all of the Ruby C API.
devel/sprockets-sass-1.3.1 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Implements a sprockets-aware sass importer
When using Sprockets 2.0 with Sass you will eventually run into a pretty big issue. `//= require` directives will not allow Sass mixins, variables, etc. to be shared between files. So you'll try to use `@import`, and that'll also blow up in your face. `sprockets-sass` fixes all of this by creating a Sass::Importer that is Sprockets aware.
dns/dnshistory-1.3 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Store DNS lookups to a DB
Provide a means for storing a history of DNS/Name changes for the IP Addresses extracted from web log files. The major target being that multiple analyses of older log files do not require re-lookups of IP Address to FQDNs, and additionally maintain the accuracy of the lookup as it was then and not as it is now.
emulators/lib765-0.4.2 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Emulation of uPD765a Floppy Disc Controller
lib765 is an emulation of the uPD765a (AKA Intel 8272) Floppy Disc Controller [FDC] as used in Amstrad computers such as the PCW, CPC and Spectrum +3. At present it is not a "full" 765; features not used in the PCW BIOS (such as: DMA; multisector reads/writes; multitrack mode) are either left unimplemented or incomplete. lib765 is released under the GNU Library GPL.