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Results 1,4611,470 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
net/openbsc-0.15.0 (Score: 0.0011862296)
GSM network in a box software
OpenBSC is a minimalistic implementation of the GSM Network, with particular emphasis on the functionality typically provided by the BSC, MSC, HLR, VLR and SMSC.
news/nnap-1.1 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Nnap is a lightweight NNTP authentication proxy
A small program that implements just enough of the NNTP protocol to authenticate client requests. After authentication nnap bounces the client TCP connection to an open NNTP server.
security/avcheck-0.91 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Simple antivirus solution for a mail system
Avcheck is a simple program that allows you to call an antivirus software in order to check mail messages for viruses before actual delivery from within a Mail Transfer Agent, or MTA. Avcheck itself isn't a virusscanner, nor it is an MTA. It sits between the MTA and a real antivirus software. Most MTAs available today can call an external program for every mail message in order to perform various tasks, including virus scanning and content filtering. Avcheck can be used as that external program. Avcheck will receive a mail message from a mail system, pass it to an antivirus software, and, depending on the presence of a virus in that message, will either allow the message to be delivered or take appropriate actions to handle infected mail. Avcheck does nothing with a mail message contents -- it's task is to prepare file with a mail message and feed it to an antivirus progra. It's an antivirus task to decode MIME structure, handle embedded archives and so on. Many but not all antivirus products today have this ability.
sysutils/File-Tee-0.07 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Replicate data sent to a Perl stream
This module is able to replicate data written to a Perl stream into another streams. It is the Perl equivalent of the shell utility tee(1)
www/acts-as-taggable-on-3.5.0 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Tag a single model on several contexts
With ActsAsTaggableOn, you can tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, interests, and awards. It also provides other advanced functionality.
www/jquery-rails-3.1.4 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Provides a Rails generator for jQuery
This gem provides a Rails generator to install jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver into your Rails 3 application, and then have them included automatically instead of Prototype.
www/jquery-rails-4.1.1 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Provides a Rails generator for jQuery
This gem provides a Rails generator to install jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver into your Rails 3 application, and then have them included automatically instead of Prototype.
www/fullblog-0.1.1 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Plugin that provides a project Blog
This plugin provides a project Blog, but unlike TracBlogPlugin and SimpleBlogPlugin it does not use Wiki pages to store the content. It has no dependencies on other plugins.
devel/libstatgrab-0.91 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Provides a useful interface to system statistics
The libstatgrab library provides an easy to use interface for accessing system statistics and information. Available statistics include CPU, Load, Memory, Swap, Disk I/O, and Network I/O. Also part of the package are two tools; saidar provides a curses-based interface to viewing live system statistics, and statgrab is a sysctl-like interface to the statistics.
devel/libstatgrab-0.17 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Provides a useful interface to system statistics
The libstatgrab library provides an easy to use interface for accessing system statistics and information. Available statistics include CPU, Load, Memory, Swap, Disk I/O, and Network I/O. Also part of the package are two tools; saidar provides a curses-based interface to viewing live system statistics, and statgrab is a sysctl-like interface to the statistics.