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Results 1,4511,460 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.012 seconds)
devel/Git-Repository-Plugin-Log-1.314 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Add a log() method to Git::Repository
Git::Repository::Plugin::Log adds a log() method to Git::Repository, which will return Git::Repository::Log objects representing the commit information provided by `git log`.
devel/Module-Setup-0.09 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Perl extension for a simple module maker
Module::Setup is very simply module start kit. When the module-setup command is executed first, a necessary template for ~/.module-setup directory is copied.
devel/UNIVERSAL-require-0.18 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Perl module to require() from a variable
UNIVERSAL::require - require() modules from a variable. If you've ever had to do this... eval "require $module"; to get around the bareword caveats on require(), this module is for you. It creates a universal require() class method that will work with every Perl module and its secure. So instead of doing some arcane eval() work, you can do this: $module->require; It doesn't save you much typing, but it'll make a lot more sense to someone who's not a ninth level Perl acolyte.
devel/kitchen-1.2.4 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Kitchen contains a cornucopia of useful code
Kitchen aims to pull these small snippets of code into a few python modules which you can import and use within your project.
devel/pyvisa-py-0.2 (Score: 0.0011862296)
PyVISA backend in a pure Python
PyVISA-py is a backend for PyVISA. It implements most of the methods for Message Based communication (Serial/USB/GPIB/Ethernet) using Python and some cross platform libraries.
finance/openhbci- (Score: 0.0011862296)
HBCI is a bank-independent homebanking standard
OpenHBCI -- the first free client-side implementation of the HBCI specification. HBCI is a bank-independent homebanking standard used by many German banks. This publicly available protocol describes communication, authentification, encryption, and business transactions taking place between a homebanking applications and a bank's server. OpenHBCI provides an object oriented library implementing the current client-side HBCI specification. The library is written in C++, with C wrappers also available. OpenHBCI provides the application programmer with a high-level abstraction of almost all business transactions, so that all HBCI details are totally encapsulated and do not need to be bothered with.
games/edgar-1.24 (Score: 0.0011862296)
2D platform game with a persistent world
The Legend of Edgar is a platform game, not unlike those found on the Amiga and SNES. Edgar must battle his way across the world, solving puzzles and defeating powerful enemies to achieve his quest. A 2D platform game with a persistent world. When Edgar's father fails to return home after venturing out one dark and stormy night, Edgar fears the worst: he has been captured by the evil sorcerer who lives in a fortress beyond the forbidden swamp. Donning his armour, Edgar sets off to rescue him, but his quest will not be easy...
games/moonlander-1.0 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Land a spacecraft on the moon
Moon Lander is a 2D game of gravity. Land your ship on the landing pad. Don't go too fast, or you will crash.
games/pinball-0.3.1 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Emilia Pinball is a free pinball game
Emilia Pinball is a free pinball game. It requires OpenGL, if your hardware supports it; else, it is possible to build it with allegro (make -DWITH_ALLEGRO).
net/Net-DHCPClient-1.0 (Score: 0.0011862296)
Perl implementation of a DHCP client API
This module provides methods for implementing a DHCP client. It allows perl scripts to interacts with DHCP servers. It's good for DHCP servers testing.