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Results 961970 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.008 seconds)
devel/web2c-20150521 (Score: 0.0046063177)
TeX implementation translating WEB to C
Web2c, a system which converts TeX, Metafont, and other related WEB programs to C. By itself, it is not a complete, ready-to-run, TeX distribution, nor is it a general-purpose Pascal-to-C or WEB-to-C translator.
devel/guiloader-c++-2.19.0 (Score: 0.00458947)
C++ binding to the GuiLoader library
GuiLoader/C++ is a C++ binding to the GuiLoader library. It is a convenience layer that simplifies development of GuiLoader based applications written in the C++ language by introducing exception safety, binding GTK+ objects defined in GuiXml to C++ variables and type-safe dynamic connection to signals.
www/WebService-Validator-CSS-W3C-0.2 (Score: 0.004517405)
Experimental interface to the W3C CSS Validation online service
This module is an experimental interface to the W3C CSS Validation online service <http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/>, based on its experimental SOAP 1.2 support. It helps to find errors in Cascading Style Sheets.
textproc/libsass-3.3.6 (Score: 0.004516087)
C/C++ implementation of a Sass compiler
Libsass is a C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler. The original version was written in Ruby, but this version is meant for efficiency and portability. This library strives to be light, simple, and easy to build and integrate with a variety of platforms and languages.
textproc/c2html-0.9.6 (Score: 0.0044975085)
C-language sources to HTML converter
C2html is a syntax highlighter for C source code that produces a highlighted html file as output. C2html offers the following features: - fast (single pass conversion using flex) - doesn't change formatting - only adds <FONT COLOR=#XXXX> tags and properly escapes non-ascii characters - easy integration with webservers - browse your sources colourized! - gzips http output for browsers to save bandwidth (only in CGI mode) - documentation and manpage included Please use the java2html port for converting C++ sources!
databases/postgresql-1.1.0 (Score: 0.004489508)
Python 3 compatible PostgreSQL database driver and tools
Pure Python All code, at first, is written in pure Python so that py-postgresql will work anywhere that you can install Python 3. Optimizations in C are made where needed, but are always optional. Prepared Statements Using the PG-API interface, protocol-level prepared statements may be created and used multiple times. db.prepare(sql)(*args) COPY Support Use the convenient COPY interface to directly copy data from one connection to another. No intermediate files or tricks are necessary. Arrays and Composite Typescw Arrays and composites are fully supported. Queries requesting them will returns objects that provide access to the elements within. "pg_python" Quick Console Get a Python console with a connection to PostgreSQL for quick tests and simple scripts.
audio/amb-plugins-0.8.1 (Score: 0.004483136)
Ambisonics plugins, mainly to be used within Ardour
A set of ambisonics plugins, mainly to be used within Ardour. Mono and stereo to B-format panning, horizontal rotator, square, hexagon and cube decoders.
net/Net-SMS-Mollie-0.04 (Score: 0.004395066)
Send SMS messages via the mollie.nl service
Send SMS messages via the mollie.nl service
www/CatalystX-SimpleLogin-0.18 (Score: 0.0043946863)
Provide a simple Login controller which can be reused
CatalystX::SimpleLogin is an application class Moose::Role which will inject a Catalyst::Controller which is an instance of CatalystX::SimpleLogin::Controller::Login into your application. This provides a simple login and logout page with the adition of only one line of code and one template to your application.
math/goblin-2.8.b30 (Score: 0.0043455586)
Graph Object Library for Network Programming Problems
GOBLIN is a C++ class library focussed on graph optimization and network programming problems. It deals with all of the standard graph optimization problems discussed by textbooks and in courses on combinatorial optimization. Today, GOBLIN provides strongly polynomial algorithms for the following graph optimization problems: - Shortest paths in graphs and digraphs with negative lengths. - Negative cycles and minimum mean cycles. - Strong and 2-connected components. - Minimum spanning trees, arborescences and 1-trees. - Maximum st-flows, feasible circulations and b-flows. - Min-cost st-flows, b-flows and circulations. - Assignment problems of any kind. - 1-matchings, b-matchings, capacitated b-matchings, f-factors and degree-constrained subgraphs. - Directed and undirected Chinese postman problems, T-joins. The library also includes methods for NP-hard problems, namely TSP, ATSP, stable sets and graph colouring.