Ports 搜索

net-p2p/gtk-gnutella-1.1.10 (Score: 0.028069574)
GTK based Gnutella client
GTK based Gnutella client which supports the standard Gnutella operations. Search, download, file sharing, bandwidth limiting, host caching, as well as some basic statistics. Now with enhanced features, such as PARQ queueing, PFSP, DHT, push-proxies, UPnP, NAT-PMP and others, making it a stable and fully functional graphical gnutella client for *nix systems. An excellent way to find that hidden file on the internet that you know exists but standard search engines do not seem to carry. IRC: #gtk-gnutella on freenode.net
devel/Structures_DataGrid-0.9.3 (Score: 0.02736608)
Full-featured tabular structured data management package
This package offers a toolkit to render out a datagrid in HTML format as well as many other formats such as an XML Document, an Excel Spreadsheet, an XUL Document and more. It also offers paging and sorting functionality to limit the data that is presented and processed. This concept is based on the .NET Framework DataGrid control and works very well with database and XML result sets.
net-mgmt/spine-0.8.8h (Score: 0.02736608)
Multithreaded poller for Cacti written in C
Cactid is a poller for Cacti that primarily strives to be as fast as possible. For this reason it is written in native C, makes use of POSIX threads, and is linked directly against the net-snmp library for minmumal SNMP polling overhead. Cactid is a replacement for the default cmd.php poller so you must decide if using Cactid makes sense for your installation.
net-mgmt/pixilate-0.4.2 (Score: 0.02736608)
Generates packets to match a list of Cisco PIX access lists
pixilate parses an input file containing Cisco PIX 6.2x (normal mask) or Cisco IOS (inverted mask) access-list entries and generates the appropriate packets. For further information on writing PIX access-lists, look here, for information on writing IOS access-lists, look here. pixilate - is currently capable of generating TCP/UDP/ICMP (various ICMP types), and IGMP utilizing the Libnet 1.1.x library available from http://www.packetfactory.net. NOTE: Libnet 1.0.x is NOT compatible."
textproc/XML_HTMLSax-2.1.2 (Score: 0.02736608)
PEAR SAX parser for HTML and other badly formed XML documents
PEAR::XML_HTMLSax provides an API very similar to the native PHP XML extension (http://www.php.net/xml), allowing handlers using one to be easily adapted to the other. The key difference is HTMLSax will not break on badly formed XML, allowing it to be used for parsing HTML documents. Otherwise HTMLSax supports all the handlers available from Expat except namespace and external entity handlers. Provides methods for handling XML escapes as well as JSP/ASP opening and close tags.
devel/buildbot-0.8.12 (Score: 0.026992679)
Continuous Integration Framework (Master)
The BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects to validate code changes. By automatically rebuilding and testing the tree each time something has changed, build problems are pinpointed quickly, before other developers are inconvenienced by the failure. The guilty developer can be identified and harassed without human intervention. By running the builds on a variety of platforms, developers who do not have the facilities to test their changes everywhere before checkin will at least know shortly afterwards whether they have broken the build or not. Warning counts, lint checks, image size, compile time, and other build parameters can be tracked over time, are more visible, and are therefore easier to improve. The overall goal is to reduce tree breakage and provide a platform to run tests or code-quality checks that are too annoying or pedantic for any human to waste their time with. Developers get immediate (and potentially public) feedback about their changes, encouraging them to be more careful about testing before checkin. For more information, please see: http://buildbot.net/trac
mail/rblcheck-1.5 (Score: 0.026992679)
Command-line interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter
This program is a very basic interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter. The basic idea of the filter is that when someone is blacklisted for an email abuse, a new domain name is resolved in the form of "a.b.c.d.rbl.maps.vix.com", where "a.b.c.d" is actually the IP address "d.c.b.a". For example, if the IP address were listed as a blacklisted address, "" would have a DNS entry (this is a real example; that address is in place as a verification mechanism). For more information about the RBL blacklist, please take a look at http://maps.vix.com/rbl/ . For more information about BIND, drop by http://www.isc.org/bind.html . The official home page for rblcheck is at http://www.xnet.com/~emarshal/rblcheck/ . Any ideas, bugfixes, or porting notes should be sent to me at "emarshal@logic.net". Don't bug the MAPS people about this; they didn't write it, and probably wouldn't like getting a bunch of mail about it.
news/newsstar-1.5.6 (Score: 0.026992679)
Transfer news between a local NNTP server (INN, sn, s-news)
Newsstar fetches news and posts it to a local server; INN, s-news and sn are supported, and it should be easy to adapt for other servers with some configuration and extra scripts. It's designed for Unix-like systems, and all the development was done on Linux. There are already plenty of other programs to do this, but what makes newsstar special is that it can make multiple simultaneous connections, not only to one server, but to several, supporting up to 10 threads. Before fetching each article it checks that it hasn't already been downloaded by another thread or in a previous session. It can also pipeline article requests to make better use of available bandwidth. I wrote it because a number of ISPs I have used suffer from unreliable newsfeeds. There is an excellent free server made available by news.individual.net, but it can be a bit slow at times, and using external servers uses more bandwidth. Therefore I wanted a program which could fetch whatever articles my ISP has available, but use the foreign server to avoid missing posts or getting them very late, and to do it as fast as possible.
devel/HTML_Template_Flexy-1.3.13 (Score: 0.02666258)
Extremely powerful Tokenizer driven Template engine
HTML_Template_Flexy started it's life as a simplification of HTML_Template_Xipe, however in Version 0.2, It became one of the first template engine to use a real Lexer, rather than regex'es, making it possible to do things like ASP.net or Cold Fusion tags.
net-mgmt/rancid-2.3.8 (Score: 0.026289182)
Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
Rancid monitors a router's (or device's) configuration, including software and hardware (cards, serial numbers, etc), using CVS. Rancid currently supports Bay routers, Cisco routers, Juniper routers, Catalyst switches, Foundry switches, Redback NASs, ADC EZT3 muxes, MRTd (and thus likely IRRd), Alteon switches, HP Procurve switches, Hitachi routers. Rancid logs into each of the devices in a router table file, runs various commands, chomps the output, and emails any differences from the previous collection to a mail list. A looking glass is also included with rancid, based on Ed Kern's in use on http://nitrous.digex.net/. Rancid version has added functions, supports Cisco, Juniper, and Foundry and uses the login scripts that come with rancid; so it can use rsh, telnet, or ssh to connect to your router(s).