Ports 搜索

net/relayd-5.5.20140810 (Score: 0.026957162)
OpenBSD relay daemon
This is the FreeBSD port of the OpenBSD relayd and relayctl. relayd is a daemon to relay and dynamically redirect incoming connections to a target host. Its main purposes are to run as a load-balancer, application layer gateway, or transparent proxy. The daemon is able to monitor groups of hosts for availability, which is determined by checking for a specific service common to a host group. When availability is con- firmed, Layer 3 and/or layer 7 forwarding services are set up by relayd. Layer 3 redirection happens at the packet level; to configure it, relayd communicates with pf(4). The following relayd functionality is not (yet) implemented in FreeBSD: - carp demote - modifying routing tables - snmp traps The relayctl program controls the relayd(8) daemon.
net/remmina-plugin-1.0.0 (Score: 0.026957162)
Remmina plugin for GNOME Keyring
net/remmina-plugin-1.0.0 (Score: 0.026957162)
Remmina plugin for NX
net/remmina-plugin-1.0.0 (Score: 0.026957162)
Remmina plugin for Telepathy support
net/remmina-plugin-1.0.0 (Score: 0.026957162)
Remmina plugin for VNC protocol
net/remmina-plugin-1.0.0 (Score: 0.026957162)
Remmina plugin for XDMCP protocol
net/remmina-plugins-1.0.0 (Score: 0.026957162)
Remmina plugin system
Remmina is a remote desktop client written in GTK+, aiming to be useful for system administrators and travellers, who need to work with lots of remote computers in front of either large monitors or tiny netbooks. Remmina supports multiple network protocols in an integrated and consistant user interface.
net/remmina-1.0.0 (Score: 0.026957162)
GTK+ 的远程桌面客户端
Remmina 是一个用 GTK+ 写成的远程桌面客户端,目的在于帮助那些需要在大显示器 或者小的上网本上连接到很多远程计算机工作的系统管理员。Remmina 使用一个集成 而一致的用户界面提供多种网络协议的支持。 Remmina 主程序: * 纯 GTK+ 2.0 应用程序! * 维护一个远程桌面列表文件,可以分组。 * 通过直接输入服务器名字快速连接。 * 在窗口模式和全屏模式下,远程桌面使用较高分辨率时可以滚动和伸缩。 * 视口全屏模式:当鼠标在屏幕边缘移动时,远程桌面自动滚动。 * 全屏模式下的浮动的工具栏,让您可以在模式间切换,切换键盘事件的俘获, 最小化等。 * 标签式界面,可以选择通过组来管理。 * 支持网络协议:RDP、NX、Telepathy、VNC、XDMCP、SSH、Avahi。
net/rinetd-0.62 (Score: 0.026957162)
Simple TCP port redirector
rinetd redirects TCP connections from one IP address and port to another. rinetd is a single-process server which handles any number of connections to the address/port pairs specified in the file /etc/rinetd.conf. Since rinetd runs as a single process using nonblocking I/O, it is able to redirect a large number of connections without a severe impact on the machine. This makes it practical to run TCP services on machines inside an IP masquerading firewall. rinetd does not redirect FTP, because FTP requires more than one socket. rinetd also supports basic allow/deny access control and logging.
net/remotebox-1.8.1 (Score: 0.026957162)
Open Source VirtualBox Client with Remote Management
RemoteBox is a graphical (GTK) VirtualBox client, which lets you administer guests or virtual machines which reside on a remote server or even your local machine if desired.