Ports Search

Results 3,5213,530 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.031 seconds)
astro/ptiger-2.2 (Score: 5.249897E-4)
Displays U.S. Census Bureau populated places on a map
ptiger is a Tcl/Tk/Tkgeomap script that uses wdgeomap to display U.S. Census Burea populated places on an interactive geographic map. To run it, type ptiger on the command line. After a few seconds, a map should appear. Adjust the view by Dragging or Double-Clicking. As the cursor moves, a label below the map displays the cursor location and the azimuth and range from the + marker to the cursor. Move the + marker by Right-Double-Clicking. The map has dots at places with population greater than a user selected threshold. Moving the cursor over a dot labels the place with its name and displays the population in another label below the map. In addition to the wdgeomap menus, a Places menu enables adjustment of the population threshold and dot size. There is also a Find menu that does a case insensitive regular expression search for a named place.
devel/HTML_QuickForm_Livesearch-0.4.1 (Score: 5.2446325E-4)
Element for PEAR::HTML_QuickForm to enable a suggest search
This package adds an element to the PEAR::HTML_QuickForm package to dynamically create an HTML input text element that at every keypressed javascript event, returns a list of options in a dynamic dropdown select box (live dropdown select). This element use AJAX (Communication from JavaScript to your browser without reloading the page). This type of livesearch is useful when you have a form with a dropdown list with a large number of row.
sysutils/pam_mount-2.12 (Score: 5.2446325E-4)
PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session
pam_mount is a Pluggable Authentication Module that can mount volumes for a user session. This module is aimed at environments with central file servers that a user wishes to mount on login and unmount on logout, such as (semi-)diskless stations where many users can logon and where statically mounting the entire /home from a server is a security risk, or listing all possible volumes in /etc/fstab is not feasible.
devel/Parallel-ForkManager-1.19 (Score: 5.2242243E-4)
Simple parallel processing fork manager
This module is intended for use in operations that can be done in parallel where the number of processes to be forked off should be limited. Typical use is a downloader which will be retrieving hundreds/thousands of files.
games/netrek-client-cow-3.3.1 (Score: 5.212976E-4)
Multi-player battle simulation with a Star Trek theme
Netrek is a multi-player battle simulation with a Star Trek theme. As a player, you captain starships to engage enemy vessels, bomb armies and invade planets in order to expand your team's space empire. The ultimate goal is to genocide the enemy race, but the carnage of battles along the way is ruthlessly fast paced and a lot of fun! It's a team-oriented game with realtime dogfighting but involving a lot of ongoing strategy. It costs no money to play, there are no ads, and it's open source.
www/HTML-TableTiler-1.21 (Score: 5.212976E-4)
Module generate a HTML table from bidimensional array data
HTML::TableTiler uses a minimum HTML table as a tile to generate a complete HTML table from a bidimensional array of data. It can easily produce simple or complex graphic styled tables with minimum effort and maximum speed. Think about the table tile as a sort of tile that automatically expands itself to contain the whole data. You can control the final look of a table by choosing either the HORIZONTAL and the VERTICAL tiling mode among: PULL, TILE and TRIM. The main advantages to use it are: * automatic table generation * complex graphic patterns generation without coding * simple to maintain
www/hastymail2-1.1 (Score: 5.2081834E-4)
Small, fast and secure yet powerful IMAP webmail
Hastymail2 is a full featured IMAP/SMTP client written in PHP. Features: * Compatible with PDAs, phones, text browsers, and all mainstream browsers * W3C valid UTF-8 XHTML pages that can be configured to be delivered as type application/xhtml-xml for supported browsers * Multilevel theme system using CSS, PHP templates, and icon sets * The ability to use a database for storing user settings, contacts, and plugin data, with support for both Postgresql and Mysql * Flexible and powerful plugin system with documentation, examples, and many plugins like a calendar, auto complete, sound notifications, HTML mail composition, and more * Tunable smart cache to balance IMAP activity and PHP session size to maximize performance for different configurations * AJAX updating using a lightweight and simple system * Small page sizes to minimize load time and bandwidth use. Average page sizes including javascript with AJAX updating, CSS, and images is less than 100K without compression or caching, 50K when using gzip compression, and less than 20K when using gzip and normal browser caching * Multiple interface languages and enhanced message character set handling * Custom built RFC compliant IMAP class that handles all IMAP communications * No special PHP requirements, compatible with PHP4 and PHP5 * Advanced IMAP search capabilities * Vcard based contact management including import/export ability * IMAP SSL and STARTTLS* support * Flexible sessions including support for cookie-less sessions and random session ids* * Tons more!
devel/boost_build-2.0.m12 (Score: 5.2021444E-4)
Extensible cross-platform build tool suite
Boost.Build is an easy way to build C++ projects, everywhere. You name you executables and libraries and list their sources. Boost.Build takes care about compiling your sources with right options, creating static and shared libraries, making executables, and other chores -- whether you're using gcc, msvc, or a dozen more supported C++ compilers -- on Windows, OSX, Linux and commercial UNIX systems.
devel/Array-Heap-3.1 (Score: 5.2021444E-4)
Perl module implementing fast binary heaps/priority queues
A Heap implementation for Perl using functions that are loosely modeled after the C++ STL's binary heap functions. They all take an array as argument, just like perl's built-in functions "push", "pop" etc. The implementation itself is in C for maximum speed.
devel/swig-1.3.40 (Score: 5.2021444E-4)
Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
SWIG is a tool for automatically generating the wrapper code needed to link collections of functions written in C/C++ with interpreted scripting languages. Currently, SWIG supports : - Tcl - Python - Perl5 - Java - Guile - MzScheme - Ruby - CSharp - Modula-3 - Allegro CL - Chicken Using SWIG, it is possible to greatly simplify interface development and to put interesting interfaces on existing applications with little effort.