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Results 1,2311,240 of 5,824 for /net/.(0.004 seconds)
net/RPC-Simple-1.002 (Score: 0.07643312)
Perl classes to handle simple asynchronous RPC calls with call-back
This module implements remote procedure call. I've tried to keep things simple. So this module should be: - quite simple to use (thanks to autoload mechanisms) - lightweight It sure is not: - DCE - CORBA - bulletproof - securityproof - foolproof But it works. (Although I'm opened to suggestion regarding the "un-proof" areas)
net/RPC-XML-0.80 (Score: 0.07643312)
XML-RPC client and server library for Perl
The RPC::XML package is an implementation of XML-RPC. The module provides classes for sample client and server implementations, a server designed as an Apache location-handler, and a suite of data-manipulation classes that are used by them.
ResourcePool wrapper for SOAP::Lite
This factory can be used by ResourcePool to create SOAP::Lite objects which use the specified proxy for SOAP RPC invocations.
net/Rose-URI-1.02 (Score: 0.07643312)
Easy and efficient manipulation of URI components
Rose::URI is an alternative to URI. It provides a rich set of query string manipulation methods. Query parameters can be added, removed, and checked for their existence. URI allows the entire query to be set or returned as a whole via the query_form or query methods, and the URI::QueryParam module provides a few more methods for query string manipulation.
net/SOAP-Amazon-S3-0.040.1 (Score: 0.07643312)
Module for interfacing with Amazon S3 through SOAP
An object-oriented interface to handle your Amazon S3 storage.
net/SOAP-Data-Builder-1 (Score: 0.07643312)
Wrapper simplifying SOAP::Data and SOAP::Serialiser
This Module provides a quick and easy way to build complex SOAP data and header structures for use with SOAP::Lite. It primarily provides a wrapper around SOAP::Serializer and SOAP::Data (or SOAP::Header) enabling you to generate complex XML within your SOAP request or response.
net/SOAP-Lite-1.20 (Score: 0.07643312)
Client and server side SOAP implementation
SOAP::Lite is a collection of Perl modules which provides a simple and lightweight interface to the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) both on client and server side.
net/SOAP-MySOAP-0.023 (Score: 0.07643312)
Extremely basic SOAP client module
An extremely basic SOAP client module.
net/SOAP-XML-Client-2.8 (Score: 0.07643312)
Simple frame work for talking with web services
This package is the base class for talking with web services, there are specific modules to use depending on the type of service you are calling, e.g. SOAP::XML::Client::DotNet or SOAP::XML::Client::Generic
net/Samba-LDAP-0.05 (Score: 0.07643312)
Manage a Samba PDC with an LDAP Backend
Manage a Samba PDC with an LDAP Backend.