Ports 搜索

databases/libdrizzle-0.8 (Score: 0.01987111)
Client and protocol library for the Drizzle database
This is the client and protocol library for the Drizzle project. The server, drizzled, will use this as for protocol library. Client utilities and any new projects that require low-level protocol communication (like proxies). Other language interfaces (PHP extensions, Python DBI, Perl DBD, SWIG, ...) should be built off of this library.
databases/libdrizzle-5.1.4 (Score: 0.01987111)
Client and protocol library for the Drizzle database
Drizzle Client & Protocol Library. This project is for the new development of the MySQL compatible C connector library called libdrizzle-redux.
databases/libodbc++-0.2.5 (Score: 0.01987111)
C++ class library and toolset for ODBC access to data sources
Libodbc++ aims to be a complete C++ development environment for data source (typically SQL database) access. It exists in the form of a class library and a set of tools. Libodbc++ currently provides a subset of the JDBC 2.0 specification functionality. Libodbc++ runs on top of ODBC, i.e. it needs to be compiled with support for an ODBC driver manager. It currently supports either iODBC or unixODBC. This port allows the user to select which driver manager to use via a build-time variable definition - see the comments in the Makefile for further details.
databases/adodb-ext-5.04 (Score: 0.01987111)
ADOdb Extension
This ADOdb Extension provides up to 100% speedup by replacing parts of ADOdb with C code. ADOdb will auto-detect if this extension is installed and use it automatically. This extension is compatible with ADOdb 3.32 or later, and PHP 4.3.*, 4.4.*, 5.0.* and 5.1.*.
databases/mdcached-1.0.9 (Score: 0.01987111)
High performance cache server similar to memcached
Bullet Cache is a memory database intended to be used much like memcached, but offering much higher flexibility through use of record tags which can be used to perform bulk operations on sets of records. It has its own binary network protocol which is accessible through Unix domain sockets and through TCP. It is indended to be accessed through a high-performance C library.
databases/mdcached-1.0.9 (Score: 0.01987111)
The PHP client library for Bullet Cache (mdcached)
Bullet Cache is a memory database intended to be used much like memcached, but offering much higher flexibility through use of record tags which can be used to perform bulk operations on sets of records. This port contains the PHP client module for Bullet Cache.
databases/mtop-0.6.6 (Score: 0.01987111)
MySQL Monitoring Tool
mtop (MySQL top) monitors a MySQL server showing the queries which are taking the most amount of time to complete. Features include 'zooming' in on a process to show the complete query, 'explaining' the query optimizer information for a query and 'killing' queries. In addition, server performance statistics, configuration information, and tuning tips are provided. mkill (MySQL kill) monitors a MySQL server for long running queries and kills them after a specified time interval. Queries can be selected based on regexes on the user, host, command, database, state and query.
databases/mydumper-0.9.1 (Score: 0.01987111)
MySQL Data Dumper
How MySQL DBA & support engineer would imagine 'mysqldump' ;-)
databases/mysql++-1.7.40 (Score: 0.01987111)
Complex C++ API for MySQL56
MySQL++ is a C++ wrapper for MySQL's C API. It is built around STL principles, to make dealing with the database as easy as dealing with an STL container.
databases/DBIWrapper-0.24 (Score: 0.01987111)
Perl extension for generic DBI database access
DBIWrapper is a generic database Perl module for accessing the Perl DBI database interface. It provides the lowest level of functionality needed by any program wanting to access databases via the DBI. Currently, DBIWrapper is only aware of Pg (PostgreSQL), mysql (MySQL) and ODBC DBD modules and how to work with them correctly. Support for transactions on MySQL is now checked for and if found to be available, the AutoCommit flag is turned off so that transactions will be used.