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math/msieve-1.51 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Fast factorization of big integers using MPQS and GNFS
Msieve is a library and utility for factoring large integers using the most powerful modern algorithms. It features a stable and very fast implementation of a self-initializing multiple polynomial quadratic sieve (MPQS), plus a somewhat experimental general number field sieve (GNFS) implementation. Primary design goals are speed, portability and ease of use. Msieve claims to be the fastest implementation for factoring general inputs between 40 and 100 decimal digits, but can handle larger input as well.
math/orpie-1.5.2 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Fullscreen RPN calculator for the console
Orpie is a fullscreen RPN calculator for the console. Its operation is similar to that of modern HP calculators, but data entry has been optimized for efficiency on a PC keyboard. Features include extensive scientific calculator functionality, command completion, and a visible interactive stack. Orpie is the successor of math/rpc by the same author; it has been completely rewritten in Ocaml, and offers a number of features that were not available in the older program.
math/Math-ConvexHull-1.04 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Calculate convex hulls using Graham's scan (n*log(n))
Math::ConvexHull is a simple module that calculates convex hulls from a set of points in 2D space. It is a straightforward implementation of the algorithm known as Graham's scan which, with complexity of O(n*log(n)), is the fastest known method of finding the convex hull of an arbitrary set of points. There are some methods of eliminating points that cannot be part of the convex hull. These may or may not be implemented in a future version.
math/Math-GMP-2.11 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Perl module that provides an interface to the GMP library
Math::GMP is a perl interface to the high-speed arbitrary size integer math library libgmp (GNU MP lib).
math/Math-SimpleVariable-0.03 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Simple representation of mathematical variables
Math::SimpleVariable is a simple representation of mathematical variables, with an obligatory name and an optional value.
math/Math-Polygon-1.03 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Class for Maintaining Polygon Data
p5-Math-Polygon is a perl class provides an OO interface around Math::Polygon::Calc and Math::Polygon::Clip.
math/Number-Fraction-2.00 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Perl extension to model fractions
Number::Fraction is a Perl module which allows you to work with fractions in your Perl programs.
math/Number-Uncertainty-0.1 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Object-orientated uncertainty object
Number::Uncertainty provides an object-orientated uncertainty object. It stores information about a value and its error bounds.
math/plplot-5.11.1 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Ada bindings for PLplot
These are the Ada bindings for math/plplot, a cross-platform software package for creating scientific plots.
math/mathdom-0.8 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Content MathML in Python
MathDOM is a set of Python modules (using PyXML or lxml, and pyparsing) that import mathematical terms as a Content MathML DOM. It currently parses MathML and literal infix terms into a DOM document and writes out MathML and literal infix/prefix/postfix/Python terms. The DOM elements are enhanced by domain specific methods that make using the DOM a little easier. Implementations based on PyXML and lxml/libxml2 are available.