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ftp/llnlxdir-2.1.2 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Motif FTP client with drag-and-drop file transfer
LLNL XDIR Version 2.0, October 23, 1995 LLNL XDIR, an OSF/Motif-based FTP client, provides a graphical user interface for drag-and-drop file transfer. LLNL XDIR simultaneously displays any number of directories for any number of hosts, with each directory being displayed in its own window. LLNL XDIR supports powerful directory browsing capability, including iconic and hierarchical views. One of LLNL XDIR's most powerful features is its ability to search directory structures (even across multiple hosts) for entry names that match a specified pattern. LLNL XDIR is meant to be the successor to LLNL XFTP, another graphical FTP client. LLNL XDIR is considerably more sophisticated than LLNL XFTP, and has all of its functionality. LLNL XDIR is a component of the Intelligent Archive, which is currently under development at LLNL. LLNL XDIR was written by Neale Smith of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which is operated by the University of California.
ftp/wxdfast-0.6.0 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Multithread and multi-platform download manager
wxDownload Fast (also known as wxDFast) is an open source download manager. It is multi-platform and builds on Windows(2k,XP), Linux and Mac OS X. Besides that, it is a multi-threaded download manager. This means that it can split a file into several pieces and download the pieces simultaneously. Features: * Faster downloads (with Segmented/Multi-threaded/Accelerated transfers). * Download resuming (Pause and restart where you stopped). * Download scheduling. * Organizes files you have already downloaded. * View server messages (HTTP, FTP, file://). No HTTPS support. * Available in multiple languages and easily translated. Now available in Portuguese [Brazil], Spanish, English, German, Russian, Hungarian, Armenian and Indonesian. * Connection to FTP servers which require a password. * Calculates the MD5 checksum of downloaded files so they can be easily. verified. * Metalink support.
games/connectagram-1.2.1 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Word unscrambling game
Connectagram is a word unscrambling game. The board consists of several scrambled words that are joined together. You can choose the length of the words, the amount of words, and the pattern that the words are arranged in. The game provides a hint option for times when you are stuck, and features an online word lookup that fetches the definitions of each word from www.wiktionary.org. Your current progress is automatically saved. Note that this game involves a large and varied word list, some of which may be considered inappropriate for children. You can edit the file containing the word list if you wish to remove words from your game. The location of this file varies by platform.
games/cube-2005.08.29 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
OpenGL 3D FPS (first person shooter) game
Cube is a 3D First Person Shooter that uses OpenGL and SDL. It features: - Single- and multi-player gameplay - In-engine editing of geometry in full 3D (you fly around the map, point and drag stuff to select or modify it), which can even be done with multiple people at once - Simplistic, but effective fine grain vertex lighting that looks like lightmapping and can do dynamic lights and shadows - No need for any kind of map precompilation, even lighting is done on fly - Very simplistic quad-tree world structure that can do slopes (height- fields with caps) and slants, water - Decent collision detection and physics - Client/server networking that goes a long way in giving a lag-free game experience - Doom/Quake-style singleplayer and multiplayer game with some uncompromising brutal old-school gameplay
games/ivan-0.50 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Graphical roguelike game
Iter Vehemens ad Necem (IVAN) is a graphical roguelike game, which currently runs in Linux, Windows, and DOS. It features advanced bodypart and material handling, multi-colored lighting and, above all, deep gameplay. From developer's website: Fellow adventurer, turn back while you can! For here begins the roguelike Iter Vehemens ad Necem, a Violent Road to Death. If you choose to travel along it, you will dive into countless exciting adventures to gain items of great magic, attain powerful equipment made of mysterious materials, bathe in the blessings of mighty gods and recruit loyal allies of various shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, along the way you will also often be dangerously injured, poisoned, catch numerous diseases, lose several limbs and transform into manifold different kinds of pitiful creatures in the darkest depths of hostile dungeons. And, at the end of the road, you are bound to perish in a most gruesome and painful way. Don't say we didn't warn you.
games/Games-AlphaBeta-0.4.7 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Game-tree search with object oriented interface
Games::AlphaBeta provides a generic implementation of the AlphaBeta game-tree search algorithm (also known as MiniMax search with alpha beta pruning). This algorithm can be used to find the best move at a particular position in any two-player, zero-sum game with perfect information. Examples of such games include Chess, Othello, Connect4, Go, Tic-Tac-Toe and many, many other boardgames. Users must pass an object representing the initial state of the game as the first argument to new(). This object must provide the following methods: copy(), apply(), endpos(), evaluate() and findmoves(). This is explained more carefully in Games::AlphaBeta::Position which is a base class you can use to implement your position object.
games/warmux-11.04.1 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Turn-based artillery game with free software mascots
Almost everyone has heard of the Worms(R) series of games, developed by Team17. Worms was created in 1990, the goal of the game consisting of a several teams of "worms" fighting to the death on a 2D map. WarMUX (WAR of Mascots from UniX) is heavily influenced by all games in this genre, including Scorched Earth and Liero. WarMUX is free software clone of this game concept. Though currently under heavy development, it is already very playable, with lots of weapons (Dynamite, Baseball Bat, Teleportation, etc.). There are also lots of maps available for your battling pleasure! WarMUX takes the genre to the next level, with great customisation options leading to great gameplay. There is a wide selection of teams, from the Aliens to the Chickens. Also, new battlefields can be downloaded from the Internet, making strategy an important part of each battle.
graphics/ampasCTL-1.5 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Color Transformation Language interpreter
# The Color Transformation Language # The Color Transformation Language, or CTL, is a programming language for digital color management. Digital color management requires translating digital images between different representations or color spaces. For example, the pixels in an image may encode the colors that should be seen when the image is displayed on a video monitor. Printing this image on paper, or recording it on motion picture film requires transforming the pixels to an appropriate representation: Video, inks on paper and film all have different color gamuts and dynamic ranges. Color mixing is additive for video, but subtractive for inks and film. Video and film typically use three color channels, while four or more inks are used for printing on paper. A color management system must transform each pixel in the original image to corresponding amounts of ink or film density values.
graphics/OpenJUMP-1.9.1 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Open source GIS software written in Java
OpenJUMP is an open source GIS software written in Java. It is based on JUMP GIS by Vivid Solutions. It's features include: * It is a Vector GIS that can read rasters as well. * OpenJUMP is known to work on Windows, Linux and Mac platforms, but should work on any operating system that runs Java 1.5 or later. * It is not just another free demo viewer, but you can edit, save, analyze etc. with JUMP / OpenJUMP. * It works, even with medium size datasets, and with professional touch. * It provides a GIS API with a flexible plugin structure, so that new features are relatively easy to develope around the sound mapping platform. * It utilises standards like GML, WMS and WFS. * It is already translated in English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portugese and Spanish. The translation in other languages is in progress. Extensions and plugins can be found at
graphics/Image-IPTCInfo-1.95 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Perl extension for extracting IPTC image meta-data
Ever wish you add information to your photos like a caption, the place you took it, the date, and perhaps even keywords and categories? You already can. The International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) defines a format for exchanging meta-information in news content, and that includes photographs. You can embed all kinds of information in your images. The trick is putting it to use. That's where this IPTCInfo Perl module comes into play. You can embed information using many programs, including Adobe Photoshop, and IPTCInfo will let your web server -- and other automated server programs -- pull it back out. You can use the information directly in Perl programs, export it to XML, or even export SQL statements ready to be fed into a database.