Ports 搜索

net-mgmt/bgpq3-0.1.31 (Score: 0.0031396283)
Lightweight prefix-list generator for Cisco and Juniper routers
bgpq3 is a lightweight access-list/prefix-list/as-path access-list generator for Cisco and Juniper routers. This program is a mostly complete re-implementation of bgpq (net-mgmt/bgpq), with next major advantages: - much faster, especially for large as-sets. - supports ipv6 both at transport level and in prefix/access-lists generation. - supports asn32 in both asdot and asplain notation, also supports "transition" as23456 generation instead of asn32. However, bgpq3 can not be used as a full replacement of bgpq, because: - "more specific" prefix filtering is not implemented (and not planned). - GateD prefix-filters generation is not implemented (and not planned). - Cisco standard access-lists generation is not implemented (and not planned). - formatted output is not supported (yet?).
net-mgmt/flow-extract-2.61 (Score: 0.0031396283)
Cisco NetFlow awk-like extracting tool
This package is a port of TAMU's extract program from NetLogger to look at flow data instead of netlogger data. Blame Larry for it's faults, not TAMU. Blame me for the FreeBSD port, not Larry :-) If you don't already have a good guess what this program does and what data it is looking for, the odds are that it isn't going to be of much help to you. This program only works on Cisco flow data as captured with Mark Fullmer's flowtools package. If you don't have that, get that first, then look at this program. In order for this to compile you will need flowtools from Mark Fullmer's (net-mgmt/flow-tools port).
net-mgmt/lldpd-0.9.4 (Score: 0.0031396283)
LLDP (802.1ab)/CDP/EDP/SONMP/FDP daemon and SNMP subagent
LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) is an industry standard protocol designed to supplant proprietary Link-Layer protocols such as Extreme's EDP (Extreme Discovery Protocol) and CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol). The goal of LLDP is to provide an inter-vendor compatible mechanism to deliver Link-Layer notifications to adjacent network devices. lldpd implements both reception and sending. It also implements an SNMP subagent for net-snmp to get local and remote LLDP information. The LLDP MIB is partially implemented but the most useful tables are here. lldpd also partially implements LLDP-MED. lldpd supports bridge, vlan and bonding. Bonding need to be done on real physical devices, not on bridges, vlans, etc. However, vlans can be mapped on the bonding device. You can bridge vlan but not add vlans on bridges. More complex setups may give false results.
science/massxpert-3.4.0 (Score: 0.0031396283)
massXpert software for (bio)chemists
The massXpert project aims at providing (bio)chemists with a software package allowing the following: * User-specific atom definitions and polymer chemistry definitions; * Powerful sequence editing with user-defined glyphs for each monomer and monomer chemical modification. Multi-region selections; * Polymer sequence chemical/enzymatic cleavage; * Intramolecular cross-linking, like disulfide bonds with total resolution of the peptides generated upon enzymatic cleavage; * Gas-phase fragmentation of oligomers; * Mass-to-charge ratio calculations with inline change of ionization agent; * Calculation of net electrical charge and of isoelectric point (even by taking into account monomer modifications if polymer is a protein); * Simulation of isotopic patterns for any chemical formula and z charge; * A number of plugins allow 1) translation of the sequence from one format to another (using a dictionary, like between the 1-letter code and the 3-letter code of proteins) 2) conversion of number format according to any localized number format 3) sort mass lists.
security/Digest-BubbleBabble-0.02 (Score: 0.0031396283)
Perl5 interface to a fingerprint in "bubble babble" format
Digest::BubbleBabble takes a message digest (generated by either of the MD5 or SHA-1 message digest algorithms) and creates a fingerprint of that digest in "bubble babble" format. Bubble babble is a method of representing a message digest as a string of "real" words, to make the fingerprint easier to remember. The "words" are not necessarily real words, but they look more like words than a string of hex characters. Bubble babble fingerprinting is used by the SSH2 suite (and, consequently, by Net::SSH::Perl, the Perl SSH implementation) to display easy-to-remember key fingerprints. The key (a DSA or RSA key) is converted into a textual form, digested using Digest::SHA1, and run through bubblebabble to create the key fingerprint.
security/tripwire-1.3.1 (Score: 0.0031396283)
File system security and verification program
Tripwire is a tool that aids system administrators and users in monitoring a designated set of files for any changes. Used with system files on a regular (e.g., daily) basis, Tripwire can notify system administrators of corrupted or tampered files, so damage control measures can be taken in a timely manner. If "TRIPWIRE_FLOPPY" is set to "YES" in the environment or on the "make" command line, this port will write the tripwire database to a floppy disk, which should then be write-protected and used as a reference for future runs. The diskette should be formatted and present in the "A" drive before starting the "make install" step. Joe Greco <jgreco@ns.sol.net>
security/tripwire-1.2 (Score: 0.0031396283)
File system security and verification program
Tripwire is a tool that aids system administrators and users in monitoring a designated set of files for any changes. Used with system files on a regular (e.g., daily) basis, Tripwire can notify system administrators of corrupted or tampered files, so damage control measures can be taken in a timely manner. If "TRIPWIRE_FLOPPY" is set to "YES" in the environment or on the "make" command line, this port will write the tripwire database to a floppy disk, which should then be write-protected and used as a reference for future runs. The diskette should be formatted and present in the "A" drive before starting the "make install" step. Joe Greco <jgreco@ns.sol.net>
sysutils/relaxconf-1.1.1 (Score: 0.0031396283)
Set of text menu based utilities for configuring RelaxBSD LiveCD
relaxconf contains a set of text menu based utilities for configuring RelaxBSD (a LiveCD system base on FreeBSD),they're also useful for FreeBSD user. relaxconf: The main menu, allow the following utilities. relaxsnddetect: Auto detects audio cards (if present) and loads appropriate modules. relaxmountdisk: Auto mount other file systems (such as ufs,msdosfs, ntfs,ext2fs). relax[u]mountusb: Auto mount/umount USB removable storage. relaxnetconf: Allow the user to setting network interface such as ppp(pppoe),ethernet interface. relaxxconf: Allow the user to generating an xorg.conf file for use with Xorg(also XFree86). relaxlangconf: Allow the user to appoint the locale language. - Only for LiveCD: relaxsavesetting: Allows user to save preferences in a compressed file. relaxloadsetting: Auto seek and load preference save file in a partition. relaxmediabackup: Backup your person data. relaxrestore: Restore your person data. relaxinstaller: Launch BSD/RelaxBSD Installer to install LiveCD. http://sourceforge.net/projects/relaxbsd
textproc/String-Koremutake-0.30 (Score: 0.0031396283)
Convert to/from Koremutake Memorable Random Strings
The String::Koremutake module converts to and from Koremutake Memorable Random Strings. The term "Memorable Random String" was thought up by Sean B. Palmer as a name for those strings like dopynl, glargen, glonknic, spoopwiddle, and kebble etc. that don't have any conventional sense, but can be used as random identifiers, especially in URIs to keep them persistent. See http://infomesh.net/2001/07/MeRS/ Koremutake is a MeRS algorithm which is used by Shorl (http://shorl.com/koremutake.php). As they explain: "It is, in plain language, a way to express any large number as a sequence of syllables. The general idea is that word-sounding pieces of information are a lot easier to remember than a sequence of digits."
www/tinymce-4.3.3 (Score: 0.0031396283)
Open source JavaScript HTML WYSIWYG editor for web sites
TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. TinyMCE is very easy to integrate into other Content Management Systems. TinyMCE Features: - Easy to integrate, takes only two lines of code. - Customizable through themes and plugins. - Customizable XHTML 1.0 output. Block invalid elements and force attributes. - International language support (Language packs) - Multiple browser support, Mozilla, MSIE, FireFox, Opera and Safari (experimental). - PHP/.NET/JSP/Coldfusion GZip compressor, Makes TinyMCE 75% smaller and a lot faster to load. - You can easily use AJAX to save and load content!