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Results 681690 of 5,827 for /net-mgmt/.(0.004 seconds)
security/softether-4.18.9570 (Score: 0.030893877)
Softether VPN solution
SoftEther VPN ("SoftEther" means "Software Ethernet") is a powerful, multi-OS and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software. It supports SSL-VPN (HTTPS), as well as OpenVPN, IPsec, L2TP, MS-SSTP, L2TPv3 and EtherIP tunneling protocols and has a clone function to support OpenVPN clients.
net/VM-EC2-1.28 (Score: 0.030692138)
Perl interface to Amazon EC2 services
This is an interface to Amazon AWS API. It was written provide access to the new tag and metadata interface that is not currently supported by Net::Amazon::EC2, as well as to provide developers with an extension mechanism for the API. This library will also support the Open Stack open source cloud. The main interface is the VM::EC2 object, which provides methods for interrogating the Amazon EC2, launching instances, and managing instance lifecycle. These methods return major object classes which act as specialized interfaces to AWS.
net/tac_plus-F4.0.4.28 (Score: 0.030692138)
Cisco remote authentication/authorization/accounting server
A TACACS+ server that allows authorization and authentication via net on remote access servers: Authenticate users, authorize commands and log accounting information. Version 4 has improved features and bugfixes over the older 2.x versions. Improved features among others and bugfixes: Microsoft CHAP support. To enable MSCHAP you need to optain a key from Microsoft, see the FAQ section in the users guide. Therefore this isn't enabled by default. Cisco, the original developers, have stopped tac_plus development around F4.0.4. There are different versions based on Cisco tac_plus, this is the version from Shrubbery Networks.
sysutils/env4801-0.3 (Score: 0.030668344)
Output the voltages and temperatures of a Soekris Net4801 computer
Soekris Net4801 Environmental Monitor This is a small program to output the voltages and temperatures from the PC87366 chip in the Net4801 computer from Soekris.com. First run the program with a "-i" to initialize the hardware: # env4801 -i Then, as often as you feel like, read out the measured values: # env4801 http://www.soekris.com/
devel/urlimport-0.42b (Score: 0.030572612)
Python script for importing modules/packages over the net
Urlimport enables the user to import modules/packages over the network, from a remote repository. Currently supported protocols are http, ftp and https (+client certificates).
net-mgmt/bgpq3-0.1.31 (Score: 0.030456461)
Lightweight prefix-list generator for Cisco and Juniper routers
bgpq3 is a lightweight access-list/prefix-list/as-path access-list generator for Cisco and Juniper routers. This program is a mostly complete re-implementation of bgpq (net-mgmt/bgpq), with next major advantages: - much faster, especially for large as-sets. - supports ipv6 both at transport level and in prefix/access-lists generation. - supports asn32 in both asdot and asplain notation, also supports "transition" as23456 generation instead of asn32. However, bgpq3 can not be used as a full replacement of bgpq, because: - "more specific" prefix filtering is not implemented (and not planned). - GateD prefix-filters generation is not implemented (and not planned). - Cisco standard access-lists generation is not implemented (and not planned). - formatted output is not supported (yet?).
net-mgmt/flow-extract-2.61 (Score: 0.030456461)
Cisco NetFlow awk-like extracting tool
This package is a port of TAMU's extract program from NetLogger to look at flow data instead of netlogger data. Blame Larry for it's faults, not TAMU. Blame me for the FreeBSD port, not Larry :-) If you don't already have a good guess what this program does and what data it is looking for, the odds are that it isn't going to be of much help to you. This program only works on Cisco flow data as captured with Mark Fullmer's flowtools package. If you don't have that, get that first, then look at this program. In order for this to compile you will need flowtools from Mark Fullmer's (net-mgmt/flow-tools port).
net/xipmsg-0.8088 (Score: 0.03042903)
Popup style message communication tool for X11
IP Messenger is a popup style message communication software for multi platforms. It is based on TCP/IP(UDP). xipmsg is the X11 version of it. IP Messenger home page:
security/Net-SAML-1.42 (Score: 0.03008497)
Perl extension for using SAML SSO
A Perl module wrapping libzxid. Also zxid.pl, that implements SP in mod_perl environment, is supplied. This module is also available on CPAN at http://search.cpan.org/dist/zxid/.
net/hping-2.0.0r3 (Score: 0.030064879)
Network auditing tool
hping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. The interface is inspired to the ping(8) Unix command, but hping isn't only able to send ICMP echo requests. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files between a covered channel, and many other features. While hping was mainly used as a security tool in the past, it can be used in many ways by people that don't care about security to test networks and hosts. A subset of the stuff you can do using hping: - Test firewall rules - [spoofed] port scanning - Test net performance using different protocols, packet size, TOS (type of service) and fragmentation. - Path MTU discovery - Files transfering even between really fascist firewall rules. - Traceroute like under different protocols. - Firewalk like usage. - Remote OS fingerprint. - TCP/IP stack auditing.