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converters/dosunix-1.0.14 (Score: 8.589436E-4)
Manipulation of text files in a mixed DOS/Windows and Unix environment
The suite of utilities known as DosUnix provide a selection of features allowing manipulation of text files in a mixed DOS/Windows and Unix environment. The three utilities are: - dosunix, which creates a copy of a DOS text file in Unix text format; - unixdos, which creates a copy of a Unix text file in DOS text format; - chktxt, which inspects a given text file to determine whether it is in DOS text format or Unix text format.
irc/gruftistats-0.2.4 (Score: 8.5485296E-4)
Produces a web page of statistics and quotes from IRC channel logs
Gruftistats is a program which reads your IRC logs and turns them into a web page. This has a mixture of statistics (like who talked most), and amusing facts (like who got kicked most). It supports a variety of log formats already, and can be extended to support other log formats by writing a spec file describing the format.
mail/mail_room-0.8.0 (Score: 8.5485296E-4)
This mail_room will proxy email (gmail) from IMAP to a delivery method
mail_room is a configuration based process that will idle on IMAP connections and execute a delivery method when a new message is received. Examples of delivery methods include: POST to a delivery URL (Postback) Queue a job to Sidekiq or Que for later processing (Sidekiq or Que) Log the message or open with LetterOpener (Logger or LetterOpener)
textproc/Parse-Syslog-1.10 (Score: 8.5485296E-4)
Perl5 routines that present a simple interface to parse syslog files
Parse::Syslog presents a simple interface to parse syslog files: you create a parser on a file (with new) and call next to get one line at a time with Unix-timestamp, host, program, pid and text returned in a hash-reference.
textproc/errorhandler-1.1.1 (Score: 8.5485296E-4)
Logging framework handler that tracks when messages above a certain level have been logged
A logging framework handler that tracks when messages above a certain level have been logged. This is a handler for the python standard logging framework that can be used to tell whether messages have been logged at or above a certain level. This can be useful when wanting to ensure that no errors have been logged before committing data back to a database.
devel/Class-ReturnValue-0.55 (Score: 8.5117464E-4)
Return-value object that can be treated as a boolean, array, or object
Class::ReturnValue is a "clever" return value object that can allow code calling your routine to expect: a boolean value (did it fail) or a list (what are the return values)
games/nlarn-0.7.2 (Score: 8.5117464E-4)
Roguelike game and as such a remake of the classic game Larn
NLarn is a roguelike game and as such a remake of the classic game Larn. Very noticeable differences to the original so far include: - advanced user interface - extremely different item handling - extended monster AI - a real town - colour
mail/Net-QMTP-0.06 (Score: 8.5117464E-4)
Perl module to provide a Quick Mail Transfer Protocol (QMTP) client
Net::QMTP is a perl module which provides an object interface to a Quick Mail Transfer Protocol (QMTP) client. QMTP is a replacement for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). James Raftery. <james@now.ie>
www/slumber-0.7.1 (Score: 8.5117464E-4)
Library that makes consuming a REST API easier and more convenient
Slumber is a python library that provides a convenient yet powerful object orientated interface to ReSTful APIs. It acts as a wrapper around the excellent requests_ library and abstracts away the handling of urls, serialization, and processing requests.
games/domination- (Score: 8.500474E-4)
Board game that is a bit like the well known game Risk
Domination is a board game that is a bit like the well known game Risk. Domination is a game that is a bit like the well known board game of Risk or RisiKo. It has many game options and includes many maps. Written in java it includes a map editor, a simple map format, multiplayer network play, single player, hotseat, 5 user interfaces and many more features, it works in all OSs that run java.