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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第10,61110,620项(搜索用时0.012秒)
textproc/html2fo-0.4.2 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
HTML to xsl:fo converter
html2fo is a converter from html to xsl:fo. The html code could be written with StarOffice or other WYSIWYM editors and must not be 100% valid html code. html2fo is designed to produce a valid xsl:fo for using FOP from Apache.
textproc/libutf8proc- (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
UTF8 Processing library
This is the Public software group utf8proc library repackaged as a conveniance library for NetSurf. This takes the unicode 5 capable version 1.1.6 of the library and converts it to the NetSurf build system. additional API has been added with a normalisation function but there are no data changes from upstream.
textproc/libcsv-3.0.3 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Small, simple and fast CSV library
libcsv is a small, simple and fast CSV library written in pure ANSI C89 that can read and write CSV data. It provides a straight-forward interface using callback functions to handle parsed fields and rows and can parse improperly formatted CSV files.
textproc/URI-Find-20160806 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Perl module to find URIs in arbitrary text
This module does one thing: finds URIs and URLs in plain text. It finds them quickly and it finds them all (or what URI::URL considers a URI to be). It employs a series of heuristics too: - Find schemeless URIs (ie. www.foo.com) - Avoid picking up trailing characters from the text - Avoid picking up URL-like things such as Perl module names.
textproc/Data-SpreadPagination-0.1.2 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Page numbering and spread pagination
Perl module for page numbering and spread pagination. The object produced by Data::SpreadPagination can be used to create an easy to use spread pagination navigator. It inherits from Data::Page, and in addition provides methods to create a pagination spread, keeping pagenumbers displayed within a sensible limit.
textproc/sort-20120716 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
BSD-licensed version of sort
This a BSD-licensed version of the well-known sort utility that has been rewritten from scratch by Gabor Kovesdan <gabor@FreeBSD.org> and later developed by Oleg Moskalenko <oleg.moskalenko@citrix.com>. This implementation is meant to be a replacement of GNU sort for FreeBSD. Currently, it seems to be quite feature-complete but performance needs some improvements.
textproc/apache-solr-6.2.0 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
基于 Lucene Java 的高性能搜索服务器
Solr 是一个基于 Lucene Java 搜索库的开源企业搜索服务器, 提供了 XML/HTTP 和 JSON API、高亮查询结果、分面搜索、缓存、集群、 和一个 web 管理界面等功能。它运行于 Java servlet 容器中,如 Tomcat。
textproc/EBook-Tools-0.5.4 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Object class for manipulating and generating E-books
EBook-Tools contains a library and a command-line tool for unpacking, creating, correcting, and repacking electronic books. Current unpacking support is limited to PalmDoc and Mobipocket and generation is limited to EPub. The metadata correction tools are quite extensive, however. For more details, see the POD information on EBook::Tools and EBook::Tools::Unpack.
textproc/Getopt-Lucid-1.06 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Clear, readable syntax for command line processing
The goal of this module is providing good code readability and clarity of intent for command-line option processing. While readability is a subjective standard, Getopt::Lucid relies on a more verbose, plain-English option specification as compared against the more symbolic approach of Getopt::Long.
textproc/Data-Phrasebook-0.35 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Accessing phrasebooks from various data sources
Data::Phrasebook is a collection of modules for accessing phrasebooks from various data sources. Common uses of phrasebooks are in handling error codes, accessing databases via SQL queries and written language phrases. Examples are the mime.types file and the hosts file, both of which use a simple phrasebook design.