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Results 14,64114,650 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.012 seconds)
sysutils/LPRng-3.8.C (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Enhanced Printer Spooler
The LPRng software is an enhanced, extended, and portable implementation of the Berkeley LPR print spooler functionality. While providing the same interface and meeting RFC1179 requirements, the implementation is completely different and provides support for the following features: lightweight (no databases needed) lpr, lpc, and lprm programs; dynamic redirection of print queues; automatic job holding; highly verbose diagnostics; multiple printers serving a single queue; client programs do not need to run SUID root; greatly enhanced security checks; and a greatly improved permission and authorization mechanism.
sysutils/acerhdf-kmod-0.1.1 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Acer Aspire One fan control
The acerhdf kernel module allows you to control the fans of some of the Acer Aspire One netbook models. This includes the models Acer AO521, Acer AO531h, Acer AO751h Acer Aspire 1410, Acer Aspire 1810T, Acer Aspire 1810TZ, Acer Aspire 1825PTZ, Acer Aspire 5315, Acer Aspire 5739G, Acer Aspire 5755G, Acer Aspire One 753, Acer Aspire One A110, Acer Aspire One A150, Acer Extensa 5420, Acer LT-10Q, Acer TM8573T, Acer TravelMate 7730G, Gateway AOA110, Gateway AOA150, Gateway LT31, Packard Bell AOA110, Packard Bell AOA150, Packard Bell DOA150, Packard Bell DOTMA, Packard Bell DOTMU, Packard Bell DOTVR46, and Packard Bell ENBFT.
sysutils/tartarus-0.9.8 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Wrappers around common Unix tools for simplified backup solution
Tartarus provides a nice wrapper around basic Unix tools such as tar, find and curl (well, that's not that basic) to provide a seamless backup solution, aimed at automatic gathering and backup. It has the ability to do full as well as incremental backups and is published by Stefan Tomanek under the rules of the GPL. Instead of relying on single usage backup scripts or complicated command lines, tartarus reads its configuration from easily manageable configuration files. It can store gathered data in regular files, or upload the backup directly (on the fly) to an FTP server. For more specific usage scenarios, custom methods can also be defined within the config file.
sysutils/tdir-1.71 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Advanced file directory display utility
tdir is Yet Another Way To Display Directory Listings. Output is in columnar format with sub-directories listed first, and then a listing of the files ordered by their ending "extension" - typically the characters following the rightmost '.' in the file name (though this can be changed on the command line). tdir supports recursive directory examination. Total output width as well as column width can be set on the command line and tdir will autoformat accordingly. tdir is written in 'python' and requires a reasonably current version of the 'python' environment to be present on the system.
sysutils/boxbackup-0.11.1 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Open source, completely automatic on-line backup system for Unix
This is a port of Box Backup, an online backup daemon The backup daemon, bbackupd, runs on all machines to be backed up. The store server daemon, bbstored runs on a central server. Data is sent to the store server, which stores all data on local filesystems, that is, only on local hard drives. Tape or other archive media is not used. The system is designed to be easy to set up and run, and cheap to use. Once set up, there should be no need for user or administrative intervention, apart from usual system maintenance.
textproc/docbook-tdg-2.0.17 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Norman Walsh's book "DocBook: The Definitive Guide"
"DocBook: The Definitive Guide" by Norman Walsh and Leonard Muellner with contributions from Bob Stayton ISBN: 156592-580-7 This book is a gentle yet thorough introduction to the DocBook DTD (which is used by, amongst others, the FreeBSD Documentation Project). A dead-tree edition of the book is published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., but the text is freely licensed under the GNU FDL. The current edition purports to document DocBook v4.4 with the EBNF, HTML Forms, MathML and SVG modules. An unexpanded edition of version 2.0.17 is also available. In this version, content models are shown with parameter entities rather than fully expanded.
textproc/double-conversion- (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Fast conversion between double-precision floating-point and text
A library that performs fast, accurate conversion between double precision floating point and text. This library is implemented as bindings to the C++ double-conversion library written by Florian Loitsch at Google: http://code.google.com/p/double-conversion/. The Text versions of these functions are about 30 times faster than the default show implementation for the Double type. The ByteString versions are slower than the Text versions; roughly half the speed. (This seems to be due to the cost of allocating ByteString values via malloc.) As a final note, be aware that the bytestring-show package is about 50% slower than simply using show.
textproc/highlight-3.29 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Customizable syntax highlighter
highlight is a customizable source code highlighter. It supports a myriad of output formats, and an even greater myriad of recognized source code formats, and even supports themes. highlight can output to HTML, XHTML, RTF, LaTeX and TeX, and can markup many input formats, including: Ada 95, Agda, AMPL, Aspect, Assembler, Amtrix, Avenue, (G)AWK, Bash, BlitzBasic, BMS, C, C++, C#, ClearBasic, Clipper, COBOL, CSS, DOS-Batch, Eiffel, Euphoria, Express, Fortran, Haskell, HTML, HTTPD, IDL, INI, Jasmin, Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, LDIF, Lotus Script, Lua, Make, Maya, Matlab, Modelica, Modula 3, (Object) Pascal, Paradox, PATROL, Perl, PHP, Pike, PL/1, PL/SQL, POV Ray, Progress, Python, Rexx, Ruby, Small, Spin, Sybase, VHDL, Visual Basic, and XML.
textproc/flip-1.19 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Convert text file line endings between Unix and DOS formats
This program converts line endings of text files between MS-DOS and **IX formats. It detects binary files in a nearly foolproof way and leaves them alone unless you override this. It will also leave files alone that are already in the right format and preserves file timestamps. User interrupts are handled gracefully and no garbage or corrupted files left behind. 'flip' does not convert files to a different character set, and it can not handle Apple Macintosh line endings (CR only). For that (and more), you can use the 'recode' program (package 'recode').
textproc/msort-8.53 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Sorting files in sophisticated ways
Msort sorts files in sophisticated ways. Records may be fixed size, newline-separated blocks, or terminated by any specified character. Key fields may be selected by position, tag, or character range. For each key, distinct exclusions, multigraphs, substitutions, and a sort order may be defined or locale collation rules used. Comparisons may be lexicographic, numeric, numeric string, hybrid, random, by string length, angle, date, time, month name, or ISO8601 timestamp. Keys may be reversed so as to generate reverse dictionaries. Optional keys are supported. Unicode is supported, including full case-folding. Msort itself has a somewhat complex command line interface, but may be driven by an optional GUI.