XNap is a pure java napster client. The XNap project is about
enhancing JNapster to include other file sharing protocols. Currently
Napster is supported for use with OpenNap servers. FastTrack
(Morpheus, Kaaza) support is available through giFT.
Gnutella support will be coming soon.
Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Spread Concepts LLC. All rights reserved.
This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use in the
Spread toolkit. For more information about Spread see http://www.spread.org .
These are the Java client libraries for Spread.
Skin Look And Feel allows Java developers to write skinnable application
using the Swing toolkit. Skin Look And Feel is able to load themepacks (a
bundle of GTK - The Gimp Toolkit - and KDE - The K Desktop Environment - skins)
to enhance your application GUI controls such as Buttons, Checks, Radios,
Scrollbars, Progress Bar, Lists, Tables, Internal Frames, Colors, Background
Textures, Regular Windows.
The BioJava Project is an open-source project dedicated to providing Java
tools for processing biological data. This will include objects for
manipulating sequences, file parsers, CORBA interoperability, access to
ACeDB, dynamic programming, and simple statistical routines.
The BioJava library is useful for automating those daily and mundane
bioinformatics tasks. As the library matures, the BioJava libraries will
provide a foundation upon which both free software and commercial packages
can be developed.
Osmosis is a command line java app for processing OSM data. The tool consists
of a series of pluggable components that can be chained together to perform a
larger operation. For example, it has components for reading from database and
from file, components for writing to database and to file, components for
deriving and applying change sets to data sources, components for sorting data,
etc. It has been written so that it is easy to add new features without
re-writing common tasks such as file or database handling.
Artistic Style is a source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C,
C++, C# and Java programming languages. It automatically re-indents and
re-formats source files and can be used from a command line.
Javolution is the Java solution for real-time and embedded systems.
Javolution real-time goals are simple: to make your application
faster and more time predictable!
That being accomplished through:
* High performance and time-deterministic (real-time)
util / lang / text / io / xml base classes.
* Context programming in order to achieve true separation of
concerns (logging, performance, etc).
* A testing framework addressing not only unit tests but also
performance and regression tests as well.
* Straightforward and low-level parallel computing capabilities
with ConcurrentContext.
* Struct and Union base classes for direct interfacing with native
applications (e.g. C/C++).
* World's fastest and first hard real-time XML
marshalling/unmarshalling facility.
* Simple yet flexible configuration management of your application.
The goal of this Java API is to display mathematical formulas written in
LaTeX. The default encoding is UTF-8.
The most of LaTeX commands are available and :
1) macros from amsmath and symbols from amssymb and stmaryrd;
2) \includegraphics (without options);
3) the TeX macro \over;
4) accents from amsxtra package;
5) the macros \definecolor, \textcolor, \colorbox and \fcolorbox from the
package color;
6) the macros \rotatebox, \reflectbox and \scalebox from the package graphicx;
7) the most of latin unicode characters are available and cyrillic or
greek characters are detected for the loading of the different fonts;
8) the commands \newcommand and \newenvironment;
9) the environments array, matrix, pmatrix,..., eqnarray, cases;
10) the fonts are embedded in the jar file to be used by fop 0.95 to generate
PDF, PS or EPS (SVG export with shaped fonts works fine too);
11) and probably other things I forgot...
astah* community is a simple and user-friendly UML modeling tool.
astah* community features:
- UML 2.x (Class, UseCase, Sequence, Activity, Communication, Statemachine,
Component, Deployment, Composite Structure, Object and Package Diagrams)
- Suggest Feature
- Alignment Guide
- Customizing Keybinds
- Oval, TextBox, Filled Rectangle, Corner-rounded Rectangle and Texts
- Alignment, Size adjustment
- Print
- Export diagram images (PNG, JPEG) *1
- astah* API (Models of Class, UseCase, Activity, Sequence and Statemachine
- GUI Localization
*1 The product name is displayed on the corner.
Beyond the level of what Javadoc does, DoctorJ compares documentation against
code. Among what it detects:
* misspelled words
* parameter and exception names:
o missing
o misordered
o misspelled
* Javadoc tags:
o invalid
o misordered
o missing expected arguments
o invalid arguments
o missing descriptions
* undocumented classes, methods, fields, parameters