Ports Search

Results 2,5312,540 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.008 seconds)
devel/Time-Piece-Range-1.2 (Score: 8.2967273E-4)
Time::Piece::Range - deal with a range of Time::Piece objects
A subclass of Date::Range that uses Time::Piece objects, rather than Date::Simple, to manipulate ranges of dates.
devel/cluster-1.3.3 (Score: 8.2967273E-4)
Create several groups (clusters) of objects from a list in Python
Python-cluster is a simple package that allows to create several groups (clusters) of objects from a list. It's meant to be flexible and able to cluster any object. To ensure this kind of flexibility, you need not only to supply the list of objects, but also a function that calculates the similarity between two of those objects. For simple datatypes, like integers, this can be as simple as a subtraction, but more complex calculations are possible.
dns/tldextract-1.7.5 (Score: 8.2967273E-4)
Separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains of a URL
Python module for separating the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains of a URL, using the Public Suffix List.
games/textmaze-1.2 (Score: 8.2967273E-4)
Generates mazes on a text terminal and lets you traverse them
TextMaze generates random mazes on a text terminal and lets you traverse them using the arrow keys.
games/wmquake-1.1 (Score: 8.2967273E-4)
Id Software's Quake I in a 64x64 WM dockapp window
Just what you always wanted. Hardcore Quake fanatics can now enjoy their favorite game in a 64x64 window!
misc/bestfit-0.2.0 (Score: 8.2967273E-4)
Optimally choose files to be put on a CD (or other media)
Bestfit is a small program to determine which files that should be put on a CD (or other media), so that as little space as possible is wasted. It is very easy to use: you specify files on the command line, and bestfit prints the names of those that were selected. Alternatively, bestfit can execute a command for each selected file (eg. to move them to a different directory).
multimedia/plexWatch-0.3.3 (Score: 8.2967273E-4)
Notify, Log Now Playing and Watched content from a Plex Media Server
Notify and log 'Now Playing', 'Watched' and 'Recently Added' content from a Plex Media Server (...and more)
net/nyancat-1.2.1 (Score: 8.2967273E-4)
Animated telnet server that renders a loop of the nyan cat animation
This is an animated, color, ANSI-text telnet server that renders a loop of the classic nyan cat animation.
net/Net-Blogger-1.02 (Score: 8.2967273E-4)
OOP-ish interface for accessing a weblog via the XML-RPC API
Blogger.pm provides an OOP-ish interface for accessing a weblog via the Blogger XML-RPC API.
Make a hash out of the index file for the ports tree
This takes the FreeBSD port's index file and makes it into a easy to use hash.