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Results 801810 of 1,309 for /graphics/.(0.003 seconds)
graphics/Image_Barcode-1.1.3 (Score: 0.08697138)
PEAR class for barcode generation
With PEAR::Image_Barcode class you can create a barcode representation of a given string. This class uses GD function because this the generated graphic can be any of GD supported image types.
graphics/Image_Canvas-0.3.2 (Score: 0.08697138)
OO PEAR common interface to image drawing
A PHP PEAR package providing a common interface to image drawing, making image source code independent on the library used.
graphics/Image_Color-1.0.4 (Score: 0.08697138)
PEAR::Image_Color manages and handles color data and conversions
The PEAR::Image_Color manages and handles color data and conversions.
graphics/Image_Graph-0.8.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
OO PEAR graph rendering package
Image_Graph is a PHP based object oriented graph rendering package. It provides a simple yet powerful API to allow a user/developer create versatile graphs, charts and plots. The current incarnation of Image_Graph is a merger of the former Sourceforge package, GraPHPite, and the 'old' Image_Graph package from PEAR.
graphics/Image_GraphViz-1.3.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
Interface to AT&T's GraphViz tools
The GraphViz class allows for the creation of and the work with directed and undirected graphs and their visualization with AT&T's GraphViz tools.
graphics/Image_Transform-0.9.5 (Score: 0.08697138)
Standard interface to manipulate images using different libraries
The PEAR::Image_Transform provides a standard interface to manipulate images using different libraries
graphics/linux-adobesvg-3.01.x88 (Score: 0.08697138)
The Adobe SVG browser plugin (Linux version)
This port installs the Adobe SVG browser plugin, for use with Linux browsers such as www/linux-firefox or www/linux-mozilla.
graphics/dri-11.0.7 (Score: 0.08697138)
Mesa libGL runtime libraries (Linux CentOS 6.8)
The port installs Linux Fedora 10 Mesa libGL runtime libraries and DRI drivers.
graphics/pecomato-0.0.15 (Score: 0.08697138)
Command-line picture metadata processor
PECoMaTo stands for Picture-Embedded COntents MAnipulation TOol. It is designed to display any kind of information embedded in picture files, as well as checking, filtering, extracting, removing, adding, and fixing such information. In other words, it's a metadata processor. It supports the following file formats: * JPEG/JFIF * Adobe PSD and FFO * raw IPTC It knows about the following metadata formats: * JFIF * IPTC * Exif * Adobe * Fotostation
graphics/peps-2.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
Converts EPS images to anti-aliased bitmaps
Peps will preprocess encapsulated Postscript files for conversion by Ghostscript into bitmaps. It provides variable levels of resolution and anti-aliasing. You can use it as a stand-alone Postscript-to-bitmap conversion program, or use it on-line to create bitmaps on the fly and send them out to a web browser, even compressing them if the browser supports gzip compression.