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Results 791800 of 1,309 for /graphics/.(0.003 seconds)
graphics/feedgnuplot-1.37 (Score: 0.08697138)
General purpose pipe-oriented plotting tool
This is a flexible, command-line-oriented frontend to Gnuplot. It creates plots from data coming in on STDIN or given in a filename passed on the commandline. Various data representations are supported, as is hardcopy output and streaming display of live data.
graphics/ming-0.4.7 (Score: 0.08697138)
Perl module for Ming which allows you to create Flash 4/5 movies
This is the Perl 5 module for the Ming library. Ming allows you to create Flash 4/5 (TM) movies.
graphics/panoglview-0.2.2 (Score: 0.08697138)
Panorama viewer using OpenGL
Panorama viewer using OpenGL
graphics/panomatic-0.9.4 (Score: 0.08697138)
Tool that automates the creation of control points
Pan-o-matic is a tool that automates the creation of control points in Hugin.
graphics/partio- (Score: 0.08697138)
C++ library for manipulating animation particle formats
Partio is a library for reading/writing/processing particle files for a wide range of tools and file formats. It acts as an abstraction for the commonalities in particle models (i.e. accessing many attributes associated with an index or entity).
graphics/wcs-2.5 (Score: 0.08697138)
Deegree Web Coverage Service(WCS)
deegree's Web Coverage Service (WCS) is able to read coverages from different storage formats and deliver it to any client that is able to perform an according HTTP GET or POST request. At the moment supported formats are limited to several raster data formats; but in general a coverage has not to be a raster dataset at all.
graphics/Horde_Image-2.3.6 (Score: 0.08697138)
Horde Image API
This package provides an Image utility API, with backends for: * GD * GIF * PNG * SVG * SWF * ImageMagick convert command line tool * Imagick Extension
graphics/wfs-2.5 (Score: 0.08697138)
Deegree Web Feature Service(WFS)
Deegree's WFS is able to serve vector and attribute data from different data sources (backends) and deliver it to any client that is able to perform WFS compliant HTTP-GET or POST requests.
graphics/yed-3.16.1 (Score: 0.08697138)
Editor for graphs and diagrams
yEd is a very powerful graph editor that can be used to quickly and effectively generate drawings and to apply automatic layouts to a range of different diagrams and networks. yEd makes full use of the yFiles library. This is a Java class library enabling the viewing, editing, optimizing, drawing, and animating of a wide range of diagrams, networks, and other graph-like structures.
graphics/Image_3D-0.4.2 (Score: 0.08697138)
PEAR class allows the rendering of 3 dimensional objects
Image_3D is a highly object oriented PHP5 package that allows the creation of 3 dimensional images using PHP. Image_3D currently supports: * Creation of 3D objects like cubes, spheres, maps, text, pie, torus, ... * Own object definitions possible * Own material definitions * Import of 3DSMax files * Unlimited number of light sources * Rendering output via GD, SVG or ASCII