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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第7,5317,540项(搜索用时0.009秒)
www/tomee-1.7.4 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Open-source Java EE Container by Apache
Apache TomEE is an all-Apache Java EE 6 Web Profile certified stack where Apache Tomcat is top dog. Apache TomEE is assembled from a vanilla Apache Tomcat zip file.
www/caudium14- (Score: 0.0012383816)
Free webserver based on the Roxen Challenger 1.3 code base
Caudium is the name of a free webserver which is based on the Roxen Challenger 1.3 code base. It is an attractive alternative to servers like Apache, Netscape and Zeus due to its strength in dynamic page and data generation.
www/alef-1.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Free multi-lingual font designed for screens
Alef has been designed to meet very high standards whilst at a very small size. It was created under the consideration of its primary use for digital media, and overcomes great challenges in the rendition of small characters and cross-platform adjustment. The font supports Hebrew and various European Languages.
www/analog-6.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Fast program for analysing WWW logfiles
This program analyses logfiles in both the common log format and NCSA old format from WWW servers. It is designed to be fast on long logfiles and to produce attractive statistics. It was written by Stephen Turner (sret1@cam.ac.uk). For more details, see the Readme.html in ${PREFIX}/share/doc/analog or the website.
www/choqok-1.5 (Score: 0.0012383816)
KDE micro-blogging client
Choqok is free/open-source micro-blogging client for K Desktop Environment. The name comes from an ancient Persian word, means Sparrow. Features are: - Supports Twitter.com, Identi.ca, and self hosted StatusNet (formerly Laconica) websites (via their Twitter compatible API) - Supporting Friends, @Reply, Favorites and Public time-lines - Allows to easily send and receive direct messages - Supports multiple accounts simultaneously - Supports search APIs for all services - Users can make quick tweets with global shortcuts - Ability to notify user about new statuses text, with KNotification or Libnotify - Supports URL shortening with more than 30 characters, UnTiny short URLs - Support for configuring status lists appearance - Supports filtering to hide unwanted posts - Preview Images from Twitpic, YFrog, and TweetPhoto services - Preview videos from YouTube and Vimeo services - KWallet integration and proxy support - Official Repeat/ReTweet functions
www/cppcms-1.0.5 (Score: 0.0012383816)
C++ web development framework
CppCMS is a free high performance web development framework aimed at rapid web application development. It differs from most other web development frameworks like: Python Django, Java Servlets in the following ways: * It is designed and tuned to handle extremely high loads. * It uses modern C++ as the primary development language in order to achieve the first goal. * It is designed for developing both web sites and web services.
www/dalbum-140.152 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Free, highly customizable PHP photo album
DAlbum is a free PHP photo album. It is small, easy to install and highly customizable at the same time. Features include slide shows, image comments, support for video and PDF files and many more.
www/udmsearch-3.1.7 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Full featured SQL-based hypertext search engine
UdmSearch is a full featured SQL-based search engine for intranet or small domain Internet web servers. You can also use it to build specialized search engines such as cooking recipies or searching newspaper articles. Provides pre-built web search frontends in C (via CGI) and PHP.
www/webresolve-0.2.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Webresolve resolves IP addresses to host names in web log files
This program is pretty slow. Thanks to the caching, repeated visits from the same address will only result in one lookup. Therefore large files will be processed proportionally faster than small ones. The load from this program is very light, because it spends most of its time waiting for the resolver. This also means that large files can take quite some time to process. The solution is to split the log file and run several resolution processes in parallel. This is done by the script splitwr: splitwr logfile > logfile.resolved webalizer logfile.resolved rm logfile.resolved By default, splitwr runs 20 parallel resolution processes. The number can be changed by editing the script.
www/chems-0.x04 (Score: 0.0012383816)
The geekest content helper management system
CHeMS is a free (as in freedom) modular code-driven content helper management system (the first!) written in PHP fully compliant with the XHTML 1.1 and CSS2 standards. One of its main purpose is to help developers and (not so) advanced users to easily setting up a web application (blog, site, etc.) without have to deal with the "boring" side of this process such as layout generation code, menu blocks and so on. Its modularization system allow to mantain a light and fast core which only have to generate the layout and load the modules to delegate all the real and hard work to them. You never have to learn new weird APIs in order to deal with the CHeMS internals, there is full controll. That's why CHeMS is not a Content Management System (CMS) but rather it's an assistant.