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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第14,17114,180项(搜索用时0.011秒)
math/Math-Units-1.3 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Unit conversion
The Math::Units module converts a numeric value in one unit of measurement to some other unit. The units must be compatible, i.e. length can not be converted to volume. If a conversion can not be made an exception is thrown. A combination chaining and reduction algorithm is used to perform the most direct unit conversion possible. Units may be written in several different styles. An abbreviation table is used to convert from common long-form unit names to the (more or less) standard abbreviations that the units module uses internally. All multiplicative unit conversions are cached so that future conversions can be performed very quickly. Too many units, prefixes and abbreviations are supported to list here. See the source code for a complete listing.
math/Math-Utils-1.09 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Useful mathematical functions not in Perl
Math::Utils provides ueful mathematical functions not in Perl.
math/Math-VectorReal-1.02 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl Module to handle 3D Vector Mathematics
The Math::VectorReal package defines a 3D mathematical "vector", in a way that is compatible with the previous CPAN module Math::MatrixReal. However it provides a more vector oriented set of mathematical functions and overload operators, to the MatrixReal package. For example the normal perl string functions "x" and "." have been overloaded to allow vector cross and dot product operations. Vector math formula thus looks like vector math formula in perl programs using this package.
math/Number-Uncertainty-0.1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Object-orientated uncertainty object
Number::Uncertainty provides an object-orientated uncertainty object. It stores information about a value and its error bounds.
math/Number-WithError-1.01 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding
This class is a container class for numbers with a number of associated symmetric and asymmetric errors. It overloads practically all common arithmetic operations and trigonometric functions to propagate the errors. It can do proper scientific rounding (as explained in more detail below in the documentation of the significant_digit() method). You can use Math::BigFloat objects as the internal representation of numbers in order to support arbitrary precision calculations. Errors are propagated using Gaussian error propagation. With a notable exception, the test suite covers way over ninety percent of the code. The remaining holes are mostly difficult-to-test corner cases and sanity tests. The comparison routines are the exception for which there will be more extensive tests in a future release.
math/Roman-1.22 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl module to convert between Arabic and Roman numerals
A Perl package providing the functionality to convert between Arabic and Roman numerals.
math/carve-1.4.0 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Fast, robust constructive solid geometry library
Carve is a C++ library designed to perform boolean operations between two arbitrary polygonal meshes. The standard union and intersection operations are supported, as are symmetric and asymmetric difference. It is also possible to implement custom operations using Carve, allowing results to be formed from any combination of inputs. Carve supports a variety of inputs, including both closed and open surfaces, faces with arbitrary edge counts and datasets with multiple disjoint, embedded or touching surfaces. Carve can also interpolate arbitrary values across faces, meaning that CSG operations need not discard colour, texture coordinates or other data.
math/Math-MPFR-3.33 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl interface to MPFR Library
p5-Math-MPFR is a module wraps the MPFR library functions. The MPFR library is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with exact rounding (also called correct rounding). It is based on the GMP multiple-precision C library.
math/Parse-Range-0.96 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Parses range definitions and returns an array
This module parses range definitions and returns an array of individual numbers.
math/Set-Partition-0.03 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Enumerate all arrangements of a set in fixed subsets
Set::Partition takes a list or hash of elements and a list numbers that represent the sizes of the partitions into which the list of elements should be arranged. The resulting object can then be used as an iterator which returns a reference to an array of lists, that represents the original list arranged according to the given partitioning. All possible arrangements are returned, and the object returns undef when the entire combination space has been exhausted.