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Results 901910 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.006 seconds)
x11/xlsatoms-1.1.2 (Score: 0.016826475)
List interned atoms defined on a server
This package contains xlsatoms, an application for listing interned atoms defined on server.
net-mgmt/seafile-6.0.0 (Score: 0.01679868)
Open Source Cloud Storage (Server)
Seafile is a next-generation open source cloud storage system with advanced support for file syncing, privacy protection and teamwork. Collections of files are called libraries, and each library can be synced separately. A library can be encrypted with a user chosen password. This password is not stored on the server, so even the server admin cannot view a file's contents. Seafile allows users to create groups with file syncing, wiki, and discussion to enable easy collaboration around documents within a team.
www/Plack-Middleware-Expires-0.06 (Score: 0.016669352)
Perl module mod_expires for Plack
Plack::Middleware::Expires is Apache's mod_expires for Plack. This middleware controls the setting of Expires HTTP header and the max-age directive of the Cache-Control HTTP header in server responses. Note: Expires works only for successful response and If exists Expires HTTP header already, this middleware does not override.
www/tclwebtest-1.0 (Score: 0.016549865)
Tool for issuing HTTP requests and dealing with the result
Tclwebtest is a tool to write automated tests for web applications. It provides a simple API for issuing http requests, dealing with the result and assume specific response values, while taking care of the details such as redirects and cookies. It has some basic html parsing functionality, to provide access to elements of the result html page that are needed for testing. TclWebtest should be suitable for testing larger chains of user interaction on a web application, for example a full ecommerce ordering session. Tclwebtest could visit an ecommerce site as anonymous user, add some products to its shopping cart, check out the cart, register itself as user and enter a test address etc. The test script could also include the administration part of the interaction, by explicitely logging in as site admin, reviewing and processing the order, nuking the test user etc.
sysutils/ekg- (Score: 0.01637235)
Remote monitoring of processes
This library lets you remotely monitor a running process over HTTP. It provides a simple way to integrate a monitoring server into any application.
ftp/ftpfind-0.996 (Score: 0.016226297)
Find directory&file on a ftp server
ftpfind - find directory&file on a ftp server usage: /usr/local/bin/ftpfind URL [-proxy proxy_server] \ [-login login_name] [-password password] \ [-regexp pattern] [-type d|f|l] [-ls] [-print] \ [-delete|-get [directory] [-new] [-resume] \ |-put [directory] [-new] \ |-chmod 0???]
www/WsgiDAV-1.2.0 (Score: 0.016226297)
WSGI based WebDAV server for sharing resources
WsgiDAV is a WebDAV server for sharing files and other resources over the web. It is based on the WSGI interface. It comes bundled with a simple WSGI web server. This package is based on PyFileServer by Ho Chun Wei.
devel/gstreamer-1.8.0 (Score: 0.016218975)
GStreamer soup based http input plugin
multimedia/gstreamer-1.8.0 (Score: 0.016218975)
GStreamer HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) plugin
www/responders-1.1.2 (Score: 0.016218975)
Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests
Responders provides a set of responders modules to dry up your Rails app.