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Results 431440 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.002 seconds)
textproc/CSS-1.09 (Score: 0.068937615)
Object oriented access to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
This module can be used, along with a CSS::Parse::* module, to parse CSS data and represent it as a tree of objects. Using a CSS::Adaptor::* module, the CSS data tree can then be transformed into other formats.
textproc/Chess-PGN-Parse-0.20 (Score: 0.068937615)
Reads and parses PGN (Portable Game Notation) Chess files
Chess::PGN::Parse offers a range of methods to read and manipulate Portable Game Notation files. PGN files contain chess games produced by chess programs following a standard format (http://www.schachprobleme.de/chessml/faq/pgn/). It is among the preferred means of chess games distribution. Being a public, well established standard, PGN is understood by many chess archive programs. Parsing simple PGN files is not difficult. However, dealing with some of the intricacies of the Standard is less than trivial. This module offers a clean handle toward reading and parsing complex PGN files. A PGN file has several tags, which are key/values pairs at the header of each game, in the format [key "value"] After the header, the game follows. A string of numbered chess moves, optionally interrupted by braced comments and recursive parenthesized variants and comments. While dealing with simple braced comments is straightforward, parsing nested comments can give you more than a headache.
textproc/stringi-1.1.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
Character String Processing Facilities
stringi (pronounced "stringy") is THE R package for fast, correct, consistent and convenient string/text processing in each locale and any native character encoding. The use of the ICU library gives R users a platform-independent set of functions known to Java, Perl, Python, PHP, and Ruby programmers.
textproc/URI-Find-20160806 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl module to find URIs in arbitrary text
This module does one thing: finds URIs and URLs in plain text. It finds them quickly and it finds them all (or what URI::URL considers a URI to be). It employs a series of heuristics too: - Find schemeless URIs (ie. www.foo.com) - Avoid picking up trailing characters from the text - Avoid picking up URL-like things such as Perl module names.
textproc/cld-0.5.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
PHP Bindings for Chromium Compact Language Detector
Exposes Chromium Compact Language Detector to PHP to find out what language a text is
textproc/po4a-0.45 (Score: 0.068937615)
Brings gettext translation tools to all kinds of docs
The po4a (po for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools in areas where they were not expected, like documentation. po4a supports currently the following formats: * manpages * pod * xml (generic, docbook, xhtml, dia, or guide) * sgml * TeX (generic, LaTeX, or Texinfo) * text (simple text files with some formatting) * ini * KernelHelp
textproc/Class-CSV-1.03 (Score: 0.068937615)
Class based CSV parser/writer
This module can be used to create objects from CSV files, or to create CSV files from objects. Text::CSV_XS is used for parsing and creating CSV file lines, so any limitations in Text::CSV_XS will of course be inherant in this module.
Data::FormValidator constraints for dates and times
This package provides constraint routines for Data::FormValidator for dealing with dates and times. It provides an easy mechanism for validating dates of any format (using strptime(3)) and transforming those dates (as long as you 'untaint' the fields) into valid DateTime objects, or into strings that would be properly formatted for various database engines.
textproc/Data-FormValidator-4.81 (Score: 0.068937615)
Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based
Data::FormValidator's main aim is to make the tedious coding of input validation expressible in a simple format and to let the programmer focus on more interesting tasks. When you are coding a web application one of the most tedious though crucial tasks is to validate user's input (usually submitted by way of an HTML form). You have to check that each required fields is present and that some fields have valid data. (Does the phone input looks like a phone number? Is that a plausible email address? Is the YY state valid? etc.) For a simple form, this is not really a problem but as forms get more complex and you code more of them this task becames really boring and tedious. Data::FormValidator lets you define profiles which declare the required fields and their format. When you are ready to validate the user's input, you tell Data::FormValidator the profile to apply to the user data and you get the valid fields, the name of the fields which are missing. An array is returned listing which fields are valid, missing, invalid and unknown in this profile. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/lt-aspell- (Score: 0.068937615)
Aspell Lithuanian dictionary
Aspell Lithuanian dictionary.