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Results 651660 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.006 seconds)
net/jcifs-1.3.18 (Score: 0.008530802)
Java CIFS Client Library
JCIFS is an Open Source client library that implements the CIFS/SMB networking protocol in 100% Java. CIFS is the standard file sharing protocol on the Microsoft Windows platform (e.g. Map Network Drive ...). This client is used extensively in production on large Intranets.
net/zope.proxy-4.1.3 (Score: 0.008530802)
Generic Transparent Proxies
Proxies are special objects which serve as mostly-transparent wrappers around another object, intervening in the apparent behavior of the wrapped object only when necessary to apply the policy (e.g., access checking, location brokering, etc.) for which the proxy is responsible.
print/html2latex-0.9c (Score: 0.008530802)
Convert HTML document into LaTeX
This is an HTML to LaTeX translator. CREDITS Nathan Torkington adapted the HTML parser from NCSA's Xmosaic package (file://ncsa.uiuc.edu/Web/xmosaic) and wrote the conversion code. The HTML parser code is subject to the NCSA restrictions. The conversion code is subject to the VUW restrictions. Enquiries should be sent via e-mail to Nathan.Torkington@vuw.ac.nz.
textproc/Lingua-EN-Numbers-2.03 (Score: 0.008530802)
Converts numeric values into their English string equivalents
Lingua::EN::Numbers converts arbitrary numbers into human-oriented English text. Limited support is included for parsing standardly formatted numbers (i.e. '3,213.23'). But no attempt has been made to handle any complex formats. Support for multiple variants of English are supported. Currently only "American" formatting is supported.
www/otrs-5.0.10 (Score: 0.008530802)
Open Ticket Request System
OTRS is an Open source Ticket Request System (also well known as trouble ticket system) with many features to manage customer telephone calls and e-mails. The system is built to allow your support, sales, pre-sales, billing, internal IT, helpdesk, etc. department to react quickly to inbound inquiries.
www/noscript- (Score: 0.008530802)
Security-enhancing Java/JS filtering extension
NoScript provides extra protection for your Mozilla/Firefox or Flock browser: this extension allows JavaScript and Java execution only for trusted domains of your choice (e.g. your home-banking web site). This whitelist based pre-emptive script blocking approach prevents exploitation of security vulnerabilities (known and even not known yet!) with no loss of functionality...
x11/X11-GUITest-0.28 (Score: 0.008530802)
Provides GUI testing/interaction facilities
This Perl package is intended to facilitate the testing of GUI applications by means of user emulation. It can be used to test/interact with GUI applications; which have been built upon the X library or toolkits (i.e., GTK+, Xt, Qt, Motif, etc.) that "wrap" the X library's functionality.
graphics/giftool-1.0 (Score: 0.008519632)
Tool for GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode
GIFTool is a tool for GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode. For instance 'giftool -B -i *.gif' converts all images to interlaced GIF files. GIFTool is shareware. Use the -info option to read the licensing information.
deskutils/fet-5.30.3 (Score: 0.008511603)
Free timetabling software
FET is open source free software for automatically scheduling the timetable of a school, high-school or university. It uses a fast and efficient timetabling algorithm. Usually, FET is able to solve a complicated timetable in maximum 5-20 minutes. For simpler timetables, it may take a shorter time, under 5 minutes (in some cases, a matter of seconds). For extremely difficult timetables, it may take a longer time, a matter of hours. FET can mean "Free Educational Timetabling" (the "E" in the middle may also stand for other words, based on your personal preference).
net/socat- (Score: 0.008511603)
Multipurpose relay and more
socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (terminal or modem etc.), socket (UNIX, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), a file descriptor (stdin etc.), a program, or an arbitrary combination of two of these. socat can be used, e.g., as TCP relay (one-shot or daemon), as an external socksifier, for attacking weak firewalls, as a shell interface to UNIX sockets, IP6 relay, for redirecting TCP oriented programs like brutus to a serial line, or to establish a relatively secure environment (su and chroot) for running client or server shell scripts with network connections.