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Results 14,69114,700 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.012 seconds)
www/plone-4.3.9 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Plone Content Management System
Plone is a user friendly Content Management System running on top of Python, Zope and the CMF. It benefits from all features of Zope/CMF such as: RDBMS integration, Python extensions, Object Oriented Database, Web configurable workflow, pluggable membership and authentication, Undos, Form validation, amongst many many other features. Available protocols: FTP, XMLRPC, HTTP and WEBDAV. Turn it into a distributed application system by installing ZEO. Plone shares some of the qualities of Livelink, Interwoven and Documentum. It aims to be *the* open source out-of-the-box publishing system.
www/django-otp-0.3.5 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Adding two-factor authentication to Django
This project makes it easy to add support for one-time passwords (OTPs) to Django. It can be integrated at various levels, depending on how much customization is required. It integrates with django.contrib.auth, although it is not a Django authentication backend. The primary target is developers wishing to incorporate OTPs into their Django projects as a form of two-factor authentication. This project includes several simple OTP plugins and more are available separately. This package also includes an implementation of OATH HOTP and TOTP for convenience, as these are standard OTP algorithms used by multiple plugins.
www/django-sekizai-0.7 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Block templating system for Django
Sekizai means "blocks" in Japanese, and that's what this app provides. A fresh look at blocks. With django-sekizai you can define placeholders where your blocks get rendered and at different places in your templates append to those blocks. This is especially useful for css and javascript. Your subtemplates can now define css and javscript files to be included, and the css will be nicely put at the top and the javascript to the bottom, just like you should. Also sekizai will ignore any duplicate content in a single block.
www/google-api-python-client-1.4.1 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Google API Client Library for Python
The Google API Client for Python is a client library for accessing the adexchangebuyer, adexchangeseller, adsense, adsensehost, analytics, androidpublisher, audit, bigquery, blogger, books, calendar, civicinfo, compute, coordinate, customsearch, dfareporting, discovery, drive, freebase, fusiontables, gan, groupsmigration, groupssettings, latitude, licensing, oauth2, orkut, pagespeedonline, plus, prediction, reseller, shopping, siteVerification, storage, taskqueue, tasks, translate, urlshortener, webfonts, youtube, youtubeAnalytics APIs. If you wish to use a Google API that is not in that list then you should look at the Google Data APIs Python Client Library (devel/py-gdata).
www/mod_authnz_external-3.1.2 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Allows users authentication based on external mechanisms on apache 2.2
Mod_authnz_external is an Apache module used for authentication. The Apache HTTP Daemon can be configured to require users to supply logins and passwords before accessing pages in some directories. Authentication is the process of checking if the password given is correct for a user. Apache has standard modules for authenticating out of several different kinds of databases. Mod_authnz_external is a flexible tool for creating authentication systems based on other databases. This port gives the same funcionality as mod_auth_external, but over apache 2.2.
www/mod_authnz_external-3.3.2 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Allows users authentication based on external mechanisms on apache 2.4
Mod_authnz_external is an Apache module used for authentication. The Apache HTTP Daemon can be configured to require users to supply logins and passwords before accessing pages in some directories. Authentication is the process of checking if the password given is correct for a user. Apache has standard modules for authenticating out of several different kinds of databases. Mod_authnz_external is a flexible tool for creating authentication systems based on other databases. This port gives the same funcionality as mod_auth_external, but over apache 2.4.
www/activeresource- (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Coherent wrapper object-relational mapping for REST web services
Active Resource Active Resource attempts to provide a coherent wrapper object-relational mapping for REST web services. It follows the same philosophy as Active Record, in that one of its prime aims is to reduce the amount of code needed to map to these resources. This is made possible by relying on a number of code- and protocol-based conventions that make it easy for Active Resource to infer complex relations and structures. These conventions are outlined in detail in the documentation for ActiveResource::Base.
www/activeresource-4.0.0 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Coherent wrapper object-relational mapping for REST web services
Active Resource Active Resource attempts to provide a coherent wrapper object-relational mapping for REST web services. It follows the same philosophy as Active Record, in that one of its prime aims is to reduce the amount of code needed to map to these resources. This is made possible by relying on a number of code- and protocol-based conventions that make it easy for Active Resource to infer complex relations and structures. These conventions are outlined in detail in the documentation for ActiveResource::Base.
www/net-http-persistent-2.5.2 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP
net-http-persistent manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP plus a speed fix for Ruby 1.8. It's thread-safe too! Using persistent HTTP connections can dramatically increase the speed of HTTP. Creating a new HTTP connection for every request involves an extra TCP round-trip and causes TCP congestion avoidance negotiation to start over. Net::HTTP supports persistent connections with some API methods but does not handle reconnection gracefully. Net::HTTP::Persistent supports reconnection and retry according to RFC 2616. RG: https://rubygems.org/gems/net-http-persistent
www/ccselector- (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Visually edit the Trac ticket CC field
This plugin allows visual CC field editing. A pop-up window with bunch of checkboxes is opened, user checks boxes, email addresses are added and removed to CC field. There is a list of pre-defined addresses in cc_selector.js (these addresses will always be available). If you want to change this list you must edit cc_selector.js manually. Of course, you can always edit CC field without all this hassle - all addresses you entered manually will be shown, too - and can be removed with new, shiny checkboxes.