Ports 搜索

security/Net_Portscan-1.0.3 (Score: 0.12427252)
Provides an API for scanning ports
The Net_Portscan package allows one to perform basic portscanning functions with PHP. It supports checking an individual port or checking a whole range of ports on a machine.
security/net-scp-1.2.1 (Score: 0.12409358)
Non-interactive SCP processing
Net::SCP is a pure-Ruby implementation of the SCP protocol. This operates over SSH (and requires the Net::SSH library), and allows files and directory trees to copied to and from a remote server. * Transfer files or entire directory trees to or from a remote host via SCP * Can preserve file attributes across transfers * Can download files in-memory, or direct-to-disk * Support for SCP URI's, and OpenURI
security/Net-SSLGlue-1.058 (Score: 0.12384781)
Add/extend SSL support for common perl modules
Some commonly used Perl modules don't have SSL support at all, even if the protocol supports it. Others have SSL support, but most of them don't do proper checking of the server's certificate. The Net::SSLGlue::* modules try to add SSL support or proper certificate checking to these modules. Currently support for the following modules is available: - Net::SMTP - add SSL from beginning or using STARTTLS - Net::POP3 - add SSL from beginning or using STLS - Net::FTP - add SSL and IPv6 support to Net::FTP - Net::LDAP - add proper certificate checking - LWP - add proper certificate checking There is also a Net::SSLGlue::Socket package which combines SSL and non-SSL and IPv6 capabilities to make it easier to enhance modules based on IO::Socket::INET.
www/Net-FireEagle-1.6 (Score: 0.12306713)
Access Yahoo's FireEagle location service
Fire Eagle is a site that stores information about your location. With your permission, other services and devices can either update that information or access it. Net::FireEagle provides access to Yahoo's FireEagle location service.
Lightweight currency conversion using WebserviceX.NET
Lightweight currency conversion using WebserviceX.NET
dns/Net-Bonjour-0.96 (Score: 0.12166014)
Module for DNS service discovery
This is Net::Bonjour, a set of perl modules to utilize DNS for service discovery. This method of service discovery is branded as Bonjour by Apple Computer.
net-mgmt/Net-ACL-0.07 (Score: 0.12166014)
Class representing a generic access-list/route-map
This module represents a generic access-list and route-map. It uses the Net::ACL::Rule object to represent the rules.
net-mgmt/Net-Telnet-Cisco-1.10 (Score: 0.1210188)
Perl5 module to telnet to Cisco routers
Net::Telnet::Cisco provides additional functionality to Net::Telnet for dealing with Cisco routers.
ftp/Net_FTP-1.4.0 (Score: 0.12071174)
PEAR OO interface to the PHP FTP functions plus some additions
Net_FTP allows you to communicate with FTP servers in a more comfortable way than the native FTP functions of PHP do. The class implements everything nativly supported by PHP and additionally features like recursive up- and downloading, dircreation and chmodding. It although implements an observer pattern to allow for example the view of a progress bar.
irc/Net_SmartIRC-1.1.9 (Score: 0.12071174)
PEAR class for communication with IRC networks
PEAR::Net_SmartIRC is a PHP class for communication with IRC networks, which conforms to the RFC 2812 (IRC protocol). It's an API that handles all IRC protocol messages. This class is designed for creating IRC bots, chats and show irc related info on webpages.