Ports 搜索

www/mercurial- (Score: 2.52076)
Plugin to use Mercurial instead of Subversion in Trac
This a plugin for Trac which enables Mercurial to be used instead of Subversion as the VersioningSystemBackend for Trac.
www/navadd-0.1 (Score: 2.52076)
Plugin for adding navigation items into Trac navigation bars
This plugin allows you to add custom items ("buttons") to both the main and the meta navigation bar. Item name, title and URL can be specified in trac.ini, as well as an optional permission the user is required to have to see the item. The plugin was inspired by and derived from NavMoverPlugin. In contrast to NavMoverPlugin this plugin does not hide navigation bars.
www/permredirect-3.0 (Score: 2.52076)
Redirect users to the login screen on PermissionError
Trac plugin which redirects users to the login screen on PermissionError.
www/privatetickets-2.0.2 (Score: 2.52076)
Modified ticket security for Trac
Allow users to only see tickets they are associated with. There are three new permissions for this plugin: TICKET_VIEW_REPORTER, TICKET_VIEW_CC, and TICKET_VIEW_OWNER. TICKET_VIEW_SELF is an alias for all three of these. With each permission, users will only be able to see tickets where they are the person mentioned in the permission. So if a user has TICKET_VIEW_REPORTER, they can only see tickets they reported. For TICKET_VIEW_CC, they just have to be included in the CC list.
www/pydotorgtheme-2.0 (Score: 2.52076)
Theme that emulates the look of python.org
This is a theme that emulates the look of python.org.
www/scrumburndown-1.9.2 (Score: 2.52076)
Plugin to enable Scrum burndown chart capabilities
This Trac plugin adds burndown chart capabilities, a common part of Scrum and other agile development methodologies.
www/TracSpamFilter-0.2.1 (Score: 2.52076)
Trac 的一个插件,它允许采用多种方式来遏制垃圾信息。
www/subtickets- (Score: 2.52076)
Offers sub-ticket feature for managing tickets
This plugin offers sub-ticket feature for managing tickets.
www/tags-0.7.r11504 (Score: 2.52076)
Generic tags frontend for trac
The TagsPlugin implements both a generic tagging engine and frontends for the Wiki and ticket systems. An extra text entry box is added to the Wiki edit page for tagging Wiki pages and ticket fields (you can configure which ones) are treated as tags for the ticket system.
www/themeengine-2.1.3 (Score: 2.52076)
Plugin to simplify distributing and deploying themes and styles
This plugin simplifies the process of distributing and deploying themes and styles.