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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第1,9511,960项(搜索用时0.008秒)
games/doomsday-1.15.8 (Score: 0.0050611375)
Enhanced Doom, Heretic, and Hexen source port
The Doomsday Engine is an enhanced DOOM source port for Windows, Mac OS X, and various Unix platforms. It is based on the source code of id Software's DOOM and Raven Software's Heretic and Hexen. * Hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics engine * 3D positional audio for sound effects (not supported by all audio plugins) * 16-player client/server networking via TCP/IP * Graphical Control Panel for configuration, accessed quickly with Shift-Escape * 3D models: Quake's MD2 format and Doomsday's DMD format with LOD support * High-resolution textures (PNG, TGA, PCX) and detail textures * Map lighting emulates the effects of radiosity for a more natual appearance (FakeRadio: shadows in corners) * Smooth movement of objects, world structures and the camera. * Colored, dynamic lighting for world surfaces, 3D models, sprites and particles * Object shadowing effects * Particle generators for special effects * Decoration effects on world surfaces: light sources and particle generators * Lens flares and glowing objects * Support for skyboxes and 3D sky models * EAX and A3D environmental sound processing effects * Upsampling of sound effects
games/legends- (Score: 0.0050611375)
Fast-paced first-person-perspective online multiplayer game
Legends is a fast-paced first-person-perspective online multiplayer game released as freeware (software license). The game is designed to take advantage of the beautiful environments available from the Torque engine it is based on, while still offering the breakneck pacing and variety of styles available from such classics as Quake and Tribes. Gameplay is not the strafe-strafe-jump-strafe-shoot-strafe-run-like-hell style a lot of games espouse; the addition of a jetpack adds a third dimension of mobility that makes skill, forethought, and restraint necessities to winning. Team sizes are ideal between 10 and 15 on each side, and the network code allows 56k upwards to play smoothly. Game type offerings range from the classic Capture the Flag, Deathmatch and Duel to our own new types, e.g.. 'War'. Plenty of maps are provided by us, but the beauty of this game is its customization possibilities. Mission creation has never been easier, with a stable, full-featured editor integrated into the game engine itself. Skins, models, and effects can all be modified by the end-user with commonly available tools. The game has an Autodownload feature which means you never have to leave the game to join new user created Client-Side and Server-Side missions.
lang/spark-2014 (Score: 0.0050611375)
Technology for engineering high-reliability s/w applications
SPARK 2014 is a programming language and a set of verification tools designed to meet the needs of high-assurance software development. SPARK is based on Ada 2012, both subsetting the language to remove features that defy verification, but also extending the system of contracts and aspects to support modular, formal verification. The new aspects support abstraction and refinement and facilitate deep static analysis to be performed including information-flow analysis and formal verification of an implementation against a specification. SPARK is a much larger and more flexible language than its predecessor SPARK 2005. The language can be configured to suit a number of application domains and standards, from server-class high-assurance systems (such as air-traffic management applications), to embedded, hard real-time, critical systems (such as avionic systems complying with DO-178C Level A). A major feature of SPARK is the support for a mixture of proof and other verification methods such as testing, which facilitates the use of unit proof in place of unit testing; an approach now formalized in DO-178C and the DO-333 formal methods supplement. Certain units may be formally proven and other units validated through testing.
mail/dbmail-3.2.3 (Score: 0.0050611375)
SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
Dbmail is the name of a group of programs that enable the possibility of storing and retrieving mail messages from a database (currently MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite). * Scalability. Dbmail is as scalable as the database system that is used for the mail storage. In theory millions of accounts can be managed using dbmail. One could, for example, run 4 different servers with the pop3 daemon each connecting to the same database (cluster) server. * Manageability. Dbmail is based upon a database. Dbmail can be managed by changing settings in the database (f.e. using PHP/Perl/SQL), without needing shell access. * Speed. Dbmail uses very efficient, database specific queries for retrieving mail information. This is much faster then parsing a filesystem. * Security. Dbmail has got nothing to do with the filesystem or interaction with other programs in the Unix environment which need special permissions. Dbmail is as secure as the database it's based upon. * Flexibility. Changes on a Dbmail system (adding of users, changing passwords etc.) are effective immediately.
mail/dbmail-2.2.18 (Score: 0.0050611375)
SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
Dbmail is the name of a group of programs that enable the possibility of storing and retrieving mail messages from a database (currently MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite). * Scalability. Dbmail is as scalable as the database system that is used for the mail storage. In theory millions of accounts can be managed using dbmail. One could, for example, run 4 different servers with the pop3 daemon each connecting to the same database (cluster) server. * Manageability. Dbmail is based upon a database. Dbmail can be managed by changing settings in the database (f.e. using PHP/Perl/SQL), without needing shell access. * Speed. Dbmail uses very efficient, database specific queries for retrieving mail information. This is much faster then parsing a filesystem. * Security. Dbmail has got nothing to do with the filesystem or interaction with other programs in the Unix environment which need special permissions. Dbmail is as secure as the database it's based upon. * Flexibility. Changes on a Dbmail system (adding of users, changing passwords etc.) are effective immediately.
mail/vmailmgr-0.97 (Score: 0.0050611375)
Virtual domain manager for qmail
VMailMgr (short for Virtual MAIL ManaGeR) is a package of programs designed to manage multiple domains of mail addresses and mailboxes on a single host. It co-operates with qmail for mail delivery and program control. It features: * A password checking interface between qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d which replaces the usual checkpassword, as well as an authentication module for Courier IMAP, that provide access to the virtual mailboxes by one of three methods: o IP-based virtual server access (invisible to the POP3 user) o username-based access (username-virtualuser) o hostname-based access (virtualuser@virtual.host or virtualuser:virtual.host) * CDB-based password tables to speed up access for domains of any size. * Tools to setup a virtual domain, add and delete individual virtual users and aliases, and to change passwords. CGI programs to accomplish the * above tasks from a set of web pages. * A native PHP library to complement or replace the CGIs. * A daemon process that securely directs the operation of the CGIs and PHP code. * A separate delivery agent that automatically deals with any address inside a virtual domain from a single .qmail-default file.
news/suck-4.3.2 (Score: 0.0050564823)
Receives/sends news to/from localhost via NNTP
suck feeds news to local INN or CNEWS server without the remote NNTP feeding. This is useful, if you get news from NNTP server with dialup connection. Suck is a program used to grab news from a remote NNTP news server and bring it to your local machine, without the remote server doing anything special. If you have read permission on the server, you can use suck. Suck does NOT use the NEWNEWS command, hated by many administrators.
devel/twilio-5.6.0 (Score: 0.005027882)
Python module for communicating with the Twilio API
The twilio-python helper library lets you write Python code to make HTTP requests to the Twilio API.
graphics/bmp2html-0.1 (Score: 0.005027882)
BMP to HTML converter
Bmp2html is a simple program that converts a bmpfile to a html file. EXAMPLES: http://critical.ch/bmp2html/
graphics/gd-0.8.0 (Score: 0.005027882)
Ruby extension library to use Thomas Boutell's gd library
Ruby/GD is an extension library to use Thomas Boutell's gd library (http://www.boutell.com/gd/) from Ruby.