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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第3,4413,450项(搜索用时0.009秒)
Perl extension for persistent session data in CGI applications
CGI::Session::Driver::memcache is a storage driver (only referred as 'driver' in CGI::Session lingo) for persisting CGI Sessions into a fast memcached server.
databases/Cache-Memcached-XS-0.01 (Score: 1.9682127E-4)
Client library for memcached using libmemcache
Cache::Memcached::XS is a memcached client using libmemcache. It uses a lot less CPU than the original pure-perl client.
databases/Class-DBI-Sweet-0.11 (Score: 1.9682127E-4)
Extra sweet features for Class::DBI
Class::DBI::Sweet provides convenient count, search, page, and cache functions in a sweet package. It integrates these functions with "Class::DBI" in a convenient and efficient way.
databases/DBIx-XML_RDB-0.05 (Score: 1.9682127E-4)
Perl extension for creating XML from existing DBI datasources
This module is a simple creator of XML data from DBI datasources. It allows you to easily extract data from a database, and manipulate later using XML::Parser.
databases/luadbi-0.5 (Score: 1.9682127E-4)
LuaDBI driver
LuaDBI is a database interface library for Lua. It is designed to provide a RDBMS agnostic API for handling database operations.
databases/Dancer-Plugin-Redis-0.8 (Score: 1.9682127E-4)
Redis database connector for Dancer
Dancer::Plugin::Redis provides an easy way to obtain a connected Redis database handle by simply calling the 'redis' keyword within a Dancer application.
Memcached-based session backend for Dancer
A session engine for Dancer based on the Memcache API. Session are stored as memcache objects via a list of Memcached servers.
databases/mysql-connector-c-6.1.6 (Score: 1.9682127E-4)
MySQL database connector for C
MySQL Connector/C is a C client library for client/server communication. It is a standalone replacement for the MySQL Client Library shipped with the MySQL Server.
DataSource driver using arrays
This is a DataSource driver for Structures_DataGrid using arrays. It is a base package for some other DataSource drivers like CSV or XML.
databases/plv8js-1.4.8 (Score: 1.9682127E-4)
PL/v8js procedural language for PostgreSQL database
plv8js is a procedural language add-on for PostgreSQL, which means you can define JavaScript functions that run inside a PostgreSQL server using google V8 Engine.