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devel/Doxygen-Filter-Perl-1.61 (Score: 0.032514982)
Input filter for Doxygen enabling support for Perl code documentation
Doxygen Filter is an input filter for Doxygen enabling support for Perl code documentation. Doxygen is quite a powerful code documentation system that already has built-in support for multiple programming languages.
devel/DynaLoader-Functions-0.002 (Score: 0.032514982)
Deconstructed dynamic C library loading
DynaLoader::Functions provides a function-based interface to dynamic loading as used by Perl. Some details of dynamic loading are very platform-dependent, so correct use of these functions requires the programmer to be mindful of the space of platform variations.
devel/Error-Helper-1.0.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Provides some easy error related methods
Error::Helper provides some easy error related methods.
devel/Eval-Closure-0.14 (Score: 0.032514982)
Safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
String eval is often used for dynamic code generation. For instance, Moose uses it heavily, to generate inlined versions of accessors and constructors, which speeds code up at runtime by a significant amount. String eval is not without its issues however - it's difficult to control the scope it's used in (which determines which variables are in scope inside the eval), and it can be quite slow, especially if doing a large number of evals. This module attempts to solve both of those problems. It provides an eval_closure function, which evals a string in a clean environment, other than a fixed list of specified variables. It also caches the result of the eval, so that doing repeated evals of the same source, even with a different environment, will be much faster (but note that the description is part of the string to be evaled, so it must also be the same (or non-existent) if caching is to work properly).
devel/hex-0.13.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Package manager for the Erlang VM
Hex is package manager for the Erlang VM. This project currently provides tasks that integrate with Mix, Elixir's build tool.
devel/Eval-LineNumbers-0.34 (Score: 0.032514982)
Add line numbers to hereis blocks that contain perl source code
Eval::LineNumbers adds a #line "this-file" 392 comment to hereis text that is going to be eval'd so that error messages will point back to the right place. Please note: when you embed \n in your code, it gets expanded in double-quote hereis documents so it will mess up your line numbering. Use \\n instead when you can.
devel/Event-Join-0.06 (Score: 0.032514982)
Join multiple "events" into one
Event::Join is a perl module to join multiple "events" into one.
devel/ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.15 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simplistic interface to pkg-config
The pkg-config program retrieves information about installed libraries, usually for the purposes of compiling against and linking to them. ExtUtils::PkgConfig is a very simplistic interface to this utility, intended for use in the Makefile.PL of perl extensions which bind libraries that pkg-config knows. It is really just boilerplate code that you would've written yourself.
devel/Eval-WithLexicals-1.003005 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl extension for pure perl eval with persistent lexical variables
Pure perl eval with persistent lexical variables.
devel/Event-ExecFlow-0.64 (Score: 0.032514982)
API for complex flow controls with asynchronous execution of external programs
Event::ExecFlow provides a high level API for defining complex flow controls with asynchronous execution of external programs.