Ports 搜索

graphics/wfs-2.5 (Score: 0.0157919)
Deegree Web Feature Service(WFS)
Deegree's WFS is able to serve vector and attribute data from different data sources (backends) and deliver it to any client that is able to perform WFS compliant HTTP-GET or POST requests.
graphics/gdal-2.1.0 (Score: 0.0157919)
PHP binding for GDAL
This port is the PHP binding for GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library).
graphics/wps-2.5 (Score: 0.0157919)
Deegree Web Processing Service(WPS)
Deegree's WPS is able to process Feature Collections based on arbitrary processes. OGC's WPS (Schut & Whiteside 2005) specification describes WPS as follows: "WPS defines a standardized interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes, and the discovery of and binding to those processes by clients. "Processes" include any algorithm, calculation or model that operates on spatially referenced data. "Publishing" means making available machine-readable binding information as well as human-readable metadata that allows service discovery and use."
graphics/pixie-2.2.6 (Score: 0.0157919)
Photorealistic renderer with Pixar's RenderMan-like interface
Pixie is a RenderMan like photorealistic renderer. It is being developed in the hope that it will be useful for graphics research and for people who can not afford a commercial renderer. Some of supported features: * All RenderMan 3.4 primitives * Programmable shading (RenderMan Shading Language) * High quality texture/shadow/environment mapping * High dynamic range input/output * Raytracing * Motion blur * Depth of field * Reyes style rendering (very fast) * Occlusion culling * Area light sources * Network parallel rendering * DSO shaders * Global illumination * Photon mapping
graphics/povray-3.6.1 (Score: 0.0157919)
Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
The Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray-Tracer creates three-dimensional, photo-realistic images using a rendering technique called ray-tracing. It reads in a text file containing information describing the objects and lighting in a scene and generates an image of that scene from the view point of a camera also described in the text file. Ray-tracing is not a fast process by any means, but it produces very high quality images with realistic reflections, shading, perspective and other effects.
graphics/povray-3.7.0.r6 (Score: 0.0157919)
Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
POV-Ray(TM) Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer The Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray-Tracer creates three-dimensional, photo-realistic images using a rendering technique called ray-tracing. It reads in a text file containing information describing the objects and lighting in a scene and generates an image of that scene from the view point of a camera also described in the text file. Ray-tracing is not a fast process by any means, but it produces very high quality images with realistic reflections, shading, perspective and other effects.
graphics/pstoedit-3.70 (Score: 0.0157919)
Convert PostScript to other vector graphic formats
pstoedit converts Postscript(TM) and PDF files to other vector graphic formats so that they can be edited graphically.
graphics/gdal-2.1.0 (Score: 0.0157919)
Python binding for GDAL
This port is the Python binding for GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library).
graphics/ming-0.4.7 (Score: 0.0157919)
Python module for Ming which allows you to create Flash 4/5 movies
This is the Python module for the Ming library. Ming allows you to create Flash 4/5 (TM) movies.
graphics/ImageMagick- (Score: 0.0157919)
ImageMagick是一个用来对图像进行显示和交互操作的包。这个包包含了图像转换、注释、合成、动画 和剪辑工具。ImageMagick能读写各种流行的图像格式(如,JPEG、TIFF、PNM、XPM、Photo CD等)。 这个工具包可以在没有GUI(X11)的支持的情况下编译——它将没有显示、导入和动画功能,但仍保留极为有用 的图像处理功能。 这个可选的“显示”实用工具和port下的同名实用工具misc/display冲突。 http://imagemagick.sourceforge.net/