Ports Search

Results 1,1411,150 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.008 seconds)
science/Chemistry-Ring-0.20 (Score: 0.001703624)
Represent a ring as a substructure of a molecule
Perl module which provides some basic methods for representing a ring.
sysutils/ptyprocess-0.5.1 (Score: 0.001687617)
Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
Launch a subprocess in a pseudo terminal (pty), and interact with both the process and its pty. Sometimes, piping stdin and stdout is not enough. There might be a password prompt that doesn't read from stdin, output that changes when it's going to a pipe rather than a terminal, or curses-style interfaces that rely on a terminal. If you need to automate these things, running the process in a pseudo terminal (pty) is the answer.
games/goonies-1.0.1 (Score: 0.0016835969)
Remake of the 8 bit classic game 'The Goonies'
Welcome to the Brain Games remake of the 8 bit classic game 'The Goonies'. This game was made by Konami in 1986. There were both a NES version and an MSX version of the game; this remake is based on the MSX version. This remake was made for the 2006 competition organized by Retro Remakes. After having participated in 2003 (with Road Fighter, which finished on the 7th place out of 83 entries), and in 2004 (with F-1 Spirit, gaining the 13th place amongst the 73 contestants), we decided to give another go at the first prize! And, who knows....
japanese/plain2-2.54.1 (Score: 0.0016835969)
Text converter from plain to any format
plain2 r2.54 1994/04 by A.Uchida NEC Corporation usage: plain2 [options] [files ...] ---- parser options ---- ---- output options ----(default) -table=dd: table factor [0-100](def=50) -roff: troff output -exam=dd: example factor[0-100](def=50) -ms/-mm: troff macro (mm) -indsec: sections can be indented -tex: tex output -ktable:enable JIS keisen table -tstyle=ss:tex style -ref: figure/picture reference -renum: renumbering only -[no]listd:list decoration (on) ---- Others ---- -[no]space:spacing (on) -v: verbose output -[no]pre: preamble block (on) -dLevel: debug level -[no]acursec: section numbers (off) ----- experimental ---- -raw: quote special chars(off) -pt=Size: font size -jis: JIS code output -sjis: Shift-JIS code input/output -f file: output customization
sysutils/cdls-4.2 (Score: 0.0016835969)
Curses based file manager for system managers
cdls is a curses-based file manager for quickly browsing directories and files. The screen can be dynamically adjusted to include all information (like 'ls -ail'), or just the filenames (multi-column), or anything in between. All basic file and directory manipulations are possible with 1 keystroke: copy, move, delete, view, execute, change owner/group/mode, edit, diff, link (hard/symbolic), wc, tail -f, cksum, hexdump and many others. Documentation is self-contained in cdls and consists of two screens from which each option or subject can be selected to show its info screen.
textproc/whoosh-2.7.2 (Score: 0.0016835969)
Featureful full-text indexing and searching in Python
Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python. Programmers can use it to easily add search functionality to their applications and websites. Every part of how Whoosh works can be extended or replaced to meet your needs exactly. Some of Whoosh's features include: - Pythonic API. - Pure-Python. No compilation or binary packages needed, no mysterious crashes. - Fielded indexing and search. - Fast indexing and retrieval -- faster than any other pure-Python, scoring, full-text search solution I know of. - Pluggable scoring algorithm (including BM25F), text analysis, storage, posting format, etc. - Powerful query language. - Pure Python spell-checker (as far as I know, the only one).
x11-toolkits/Tk-JComboBox-1.14 (Score: 0.0016819254)
Contains a Label or Entry, a Button, and a Listbox
JComboBox is a composite widget that contains a text Label or Entry, a Button, and a popup Listbox. It performs the same sort of tasks that can be accomplished by several other Composite widgets. Some such as BrowseEntry and Optionmenu are part of the standard Tk distribution, and there are many others available in CPAN. JComboBox borrows features from the Java Swing component bearing the same name, but falls short of being a true clone. Many of the methods and the general look and feel should be familiar to java developers. JComboBox also combines several features offered by many of the other "Combo Box" implementations, and works in two modes: editable and readonly. In readonly mode, JComboBox offers similar functionality to Optionmenu. It is basically a labeled button that activates a popup list. An item from the list is displayed on the Button when selected. When editable, JComboBox somewhat resembles BrowseEntry. That is, the widget is composed of an Entry widget with a Button to the right of it. As in the editable mode, the Button activates a popup Listbox from which a single item can be selected.
devel/Term-Sk-0.18 (Score: 0.0016798481)
Display a progress indicator on a terminal
Term::Sk is a class to implement a progress indicator ("Sk" is a short form for "Show Key"). This is used to provide immediate feedback for long running processes.
ports-mgmt/genplist-1.2 (Score: 0.0016798481)
Generates a static plist for a port
Genplist automatically creates a static plist for a port by installing it into a temporary directory, and then examining the directory tree. The process is based on the instructions for plist generation in the FreeBSD Porter's Handbook.
devel/MooseX-Runnable-0.10 (Score: 0.0016690467)
Tag a class as a runnable application
MooseX::Runnable is a framework for making classes runnable applications. This role doesn't do anything other than tell the rest of the framework that your class is a runnable application that has a "run" method which accepts arguments and returns the process' exit code. This is a convention that the community has been using for a while. This role tells the computer that your class uses this convention, and let's the computer abstract away some of the tedium this entails.