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Results 2,8412,850 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
x11-themes/audacious-skins-0.4 (Score: 4.3616135E-4)
Collection of audacious skins
A collection of 85 audacious skins.
shells/klish-2.1.3 (Score: 4.3168777E-4)
Klish - Kommand Line Interface Shell
The klish is a framework for implementing a CISCO-like CLI on a UNIX systems.
x11/listres-1.0.3 (Score: 4.3168777E-4)
List resources in widgets
This package contains listres, a program that generates a list of a widget's resource database.
chinese/telnet-1.0 (Score: 4.0240295E-4)
8bit compatible telnet client for Chinese input
Description: Using /usr/bin/telnet in "8-bit environment", for example, BIG5- encoding Chinese characters environment in Taiwan, is somewhat in-convenient. To be able to input Chinese characters, "-8 or -L" options are needed, however, using these options cause another problem. Specifying "-8 or -L" makes ^U or ^C or ^D or ... (any isprint(c)) malfunction when telnet to SunOS. How-To-Repeat: /usr/bin/telnet -8 ms1.hinet.net (ms1.hinet.net running Solaris) login: abcde^U (or just press Enter) => the terminal state goes wrong, "reset" is needed to go back to "normal state" Fix: Apply the following patch: gopher://freebsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw/00%2f3%2fA0002063 This make telnet "8-bit clean", being able to input 8-bit data (Chinese characters) without specifying "-8 or -L" options, and telnet to SunOS without trouble. See also:
devel/libcfu-0.04.a (Score: 3.8156175E-4)
Simple library of tools for developing multithreaded software
Libcfu is a library of tools that may be useful, particularly when developing multithreaded software. It includes a hash table, a linked list, self-extending strings, a config file parser, a simple timer, a thread queue, and command-line parser.
www/moinmoin-1.9.8 (Score: 3.8156175E-4)
Python clone of WikiWiki
MoinMoin is a Python clone of WikiWiki, which is a composition system; it's a discussion medium; it's a repository; it's a mail system; it's a tool for collaboration.
archivers/lcab-1.0.b12 (Score: 3.777268E-4)
Microsoft .CABinet file creator
LCAB is a small program that creates a Microsoft Cabinet (.CAB) file from a set of input files.
More complex retrieve_all() for Class::DBI
This is a simple plugin to a Class::DBI subclass which provides a 'retrieve_all_sorted_by' method.
databases/Rose-DB-Object-0.8140 (Score: 3.777268E-4)
Extensible, high performance RDBMS-OO mapper
Rose::DB::Object is a base class for objects that encapsulate a single row in a database table.
deskutils/mate-utils-1.12.0 (Score: 3.777268E-4)
MATE support utilities
MATE support utilities, including a dictionary looker-upper, a frontend for find(1), a system log viewer, and more.