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Results 3,0613,070 of 5,886 for /net-im/.(0.006 seconds)
graphics/multican-0.0.5 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Remote control utility for Canon DSLR cameras
Multican is Canon EOS cameras USB remote control utility for 300D, 350D, 30D, 20D, and 5D. Multican allows scripted remote control of multiple cameras; it is possible to control up to six cameras attached at the same time. Multican communicates with camera directly, without generic library such as provided by gPhoto2, and currently has no GUI, which makes it no replacement for Canon's EOS Utility, but it can be useful nonetheless in various setups, e.g. for astrophotography.
graphics/mtpaint-3.40 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Simple painting program
mtPaint is a simple GTK+1/2 painting program designed for creating icons and pixel based artwork. It can edit indexed palette or 24 bit RGB images and offers basic painting and palette manipulation tools. It also has several other more powerful features such as channels, layers and animation. Due to its simplicity and lack of dependencies it runs well on GNU/Linux, Windows and older PC hardware.
graphics/nurbs++-3.0.11 (Score: 0.0070083328)
C++ library to manipulate and create NURBS curves and surfaces
Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) are parametric functions which can represent any type of curves or surfaces. This C++ library hides the basic mathematics of NURBS, allowing the user to focus on the more challenging parts of their projects. The NURBS++ package includes a matrix library, an image manipulation library, a numerical library and a NURBS library. This library is copyrighted under the terms of the LGPL by its author, Phillipe Lavoie <lavoie@zeus.genie.uottawa.ca>.
graphics/openrm- (Score: 0.0070083328)
Development environment used to build 2D/3D/stereo graphics
OpenRM Scene Graph is set of tools and utilities that implement a high performance, flexible and extendible scene graph API. Underneath OpenRM, OpenGL(tm) is used as the graphics platform for rendering, so OpenRM is highly portable and can deliver blazing rendering speeds. OpenRM can be used on any platform that has OpenGL, and has been built and tested on: x86 Linux (s/w via Mesa, h/w using vendor drivers, e.g., nVidia) Irix Solaris FreeBSD Win32 (95/98/NT/2K/ME). OpenRM is a derivative work of RM Scene Graph (tm), a commercial scene graph product from R3vis Corporation. Late in 1999, R3vis announced the release of OpenRM into the Open Source community, with the OpenRM debut occuring on 1 March 2000. R3vis continues to maintain and develop RM Scene Graph, which contains additional features not present in OpenRM.
graphics/optipng-0.7.5 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Optimizer for PNG files
OptiPNG is a PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information. This program also converts external formats (BMP, GIF, PNM; TIFF support is coming up) to optimized PNG, and performs PNG integrity checks and corrections. The idea has been inspired from pngcrush, and is explained in detail in the PNG-Tech article "A guide to PNG optimization". The implementation is carried forward in OptiPNG, which offers a faster execution per trial, and a wider search space.
graphics/panoglview-0.2.2 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Panorama viewer using OpenGL
Panorama viewer using OpenGL
graphics/pfstools-1.8.5 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Tools for manipulating HDR images and video frames
A set of command line (and one GUI) programs for reading, writing, manipulating and viewing high-dynamic range (HDR) images and video frames.
graphics/piddle-1.0.15 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Graphical Drawing library for Python
PIDDLE - Plug-In Drawing, Does Little Else ------------------------------------------ PIDDLE is a Python module for creating two-dimensional graphics in a manner that is both cross-platform and cross-media; that is, it can support screen graphics (e.g. QuickDraw, Windows, Tk) as well as file output (PostScript, PDF, GIF, etc.). It makes use of the native 2D drawing calls of each backend, for maximum efficiency and quality. It works by defining a base class (piddle.Canvas) with methods for all supported drawing primitives. A particular drawing context is provided in the form of a derived class. PIDDLE applications will be able to automatically select an appropriate backend for the user's environment.
graphics/pngnq-1.1 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format
Pngnq is a tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format. Pngnq is an adaptation by Stuart Coyle of Greg Roelf's pnqquant using Anthony Dekker's neuquant algorithm. The neuquant algorithm uses a neural network to optimise the color map selection. This is fast and quite accurate, giving good results on many types of images.
graphics/pngwriter-0.5.5 (Score: 0.0070083328)
C++ library for creating PNG images
The PNGwriter library, which requires libpng, allows you to plot to a 48-bit PNG file, saving it directly to disk. Plotting is as easy as specifying the red, green, and blue values and the x, y coordinates of the pixel. It includes functions for plotting simple geometric shapes (circle, rect, line), reading the colour of a pixel, reading in a whole PNG file (great for image analysis), plotting and reading in HSV colourspace, and many others that might come in handy.