Ports 搜索

graphics/Chart-Clicker-2.88 (Score: 0.10044901)
Powerful, extensible charting
Chart::Clicker aims to be a powerful, extensible charting package that creates really pretty output. Clicker leverages the power of Cairo to create snazzy 2D graphics easily and quickly. At it's core Clicker is more of a toolkit for creating charts. It's interface is a bit more complex because making pretty charts requires attention and care. Some fine defaults are established to make getting started easier, but to really unleash the potential of Clicker you must roll up your sleeves and build things by hand.
graphics/urt-3.1b1 (Score: 0.10044901)
Toolkit and library for raster image processing
The Utah Raster toolkit is a collection of programs and C routines for dealing with raster images commonly encountered in computer graphics. It provides the following major functions: * A device and system independent image format for storing images and information about them. Called the RLE format, it uses run length encoding to reduce storage space for most images. * A library of C routines for reading, writing and manipulating images stored in the RLE format. * A collections of programs for manipulating and displaying RLE images.
graphics/stltools-3.2 (Score: 0.10044901)
Converts STL models to POV-Ray meshes or PostScript/PDF images
The modules in the stltools package can read and write STL files, perform 3D coordinate transforms and projections. These modules are used by the following provided scripts; stl2pov: Converts the STL model to a mesh usable with the POV-ray raytracer. stl2ps: Creates a view of the STL model in scalable PostScript. stl2pdf: Creates a view of the STL model as a PDF. Requires graphics/py-cairo. stlinfo: Either displays some information about a STL file or prints it in text format.
graphics/raster3d-3.0.2 (Score: 0.10044901)
Set of tools for generating raster images of proteins and molecules
Raster3D is a set of tools for generating high quality raster images of proteins or other molecules. The core program renders spheres, triangles, cylinders, and quadric surfaces with specular highlighting, Phong shading, and shadowing. It uses an efficient software Z-buffer algorithm which is independent of any graphics hardware. Ancillary programs process atomic coordinates from PDB files into rendering descriptions for pictures composed of ribbons, space-filling atoms, bonds, ball+stick, etc. Raster3D can also be used to render pictures composed in other programs such as Molscript in glorious 3D with highlights, shadowing, etc. Output is to pixel image files with 24 bits of color information per pixel.
graphics/ocrfeeder-0.8.1 (Score: 0.10044901)
Document layout analysis and optical character recognition
OCRFeeder is a document layout analysis and optical character recognition system. Given the images it will automatically outline its contents, distinguish between what's graphics and text and perform OCR over the latter. It generates multiple formats being its main one ODT. It features a complete GTK graphical user interface that allows the users to correct any unrecognized characters, defined or correct bounding boxes, set paragraph styles, clean the input images, import PDFs, save and load the project, export everything to multiple formats, etc. OCRFeeder was developed as the project of the Master's Thesis in Computer Science of Joaquim Rocha.
sysutils/atitvout-0.4 (Score: 0.10021753)
Toggle TV Out on Mach64 graphics cards
This utility program may be used for configuring the TV Out connector of ATI Rage Mobility P/M graphics boards under FreeBSD on x86. Supports switching the used TV standard from NTSC to PAL.
Driver for Intel integrated graphics chipsets
Driver for Intel integrated graphics chipsets. It supports the i810, i810-DC100, i810e, i815, i830M, 845G, 852GM, 855GM, 865G, 915G, 915GM, 945G, 945GM, 965G, 965Q, 946GZ and 965GM chipsets.
graphics/cal3d-0.11.1 (Score: 0.09967821)
Skeletal based 3D character animation library written in C++
Cal3D is a skeletal based 3D character animation library written in C++ in a way that is both platform-independent and graphics API-independent. It was originally designed to be used in a 3D client for Worldforge, but evolved into a stand-alone product which can be used in many different kinds of projects. Cal3D's essentials can be boiled down to 2 parts: the C++ library and the exporter. The exporter is what you would use to take your characters (built in a 3D modeling package) and create the Cal3D-format files that the library knows how to load. The exporters are actually plug-ins for 3D modeling packages. This allows 3D artists to use the modeling tools that they're already comfortable with. The C++ library is what you would actually use in your application, whether it's a game or a VR application. The library provides methods to load your exported files, build characters, run animations, and access the data necessary to render them with 3D graphics.
graphics/OpenEXR-2.2.0 (Score: 0.09967821)
光影魔幻工业特效,卢卡斯数字有限公司的一个部分。LLC,在2000年夏 天实现了它自己的扩展动态光照渲染文件格式。那时现有的8位文件格式 无法准确地再现图像黑暗和明亮区域间的极端对比和图像的非常微妙的色 彩层次。 ILM的扩展动态光照渲染文件格式已经被成功地使用在电影《哈利·波特》、 《黑衣人II》和《灵异象限》。ILM的一些表演就是使用的这个新格式。 意识到其他一些人对扩展动态光照渲染文件格式也有兴趣,ILM决定把 他的新的文件格式精炼一些并发布。于是OpenEXR出现了。
graphics/pdf2svg-0.2.3 (Score: 0.09967821)
Convert PDF to SVG
Under Linux there aren't many freely available vector graphics editors and as far as I know there are none that can edit EPS (encapsulated postscript) and PDF (portable document format) files. I produce lots of these files in my day-to-day work and I would like to be able to edit them. The best vector graphics editor I have found so far is Inkscape but it only reads SVG files... (Note: the upcoming v0.46 should be able to read PDFs!) To overcome this problem I have written a very small utility to convert PDF files to SVG files using Poppler and Cairo. Version 0.2.1 is available here (with modifications by Matthew Flaschen and Ed Grace). This appears to work on any PDF document that Poppler can read (try them in XPDF or Evince since they both use Poppler). So now it is possible to easily edit PDF documents with your favourite SVG editor! One other alternative would be to use pstoedit but the commercial SVG module costs (unsurprisingly!) and the free SVG module is not very good at handling text...