Ports 搜索

graphics/shiva-collections-1.4 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Collection of kernels for OpenGTL
The Graphics Transformation Languages is a set of libraries for using and integrating transformation algorithms (such as filter or color conversion) in graphics applications. The goal is to provide the tools, languages and libraries to create generic transformation for graphics. Those transformations could then be used by different programs (Krita, The Gimp, CinePaint, gegl...). Currently the focus is on developing two languages, designed for two different implementations. - OpenCTL which is a GPL compatible of the Color Transformation Language, this language is dedicated at transforming the value of a single pixel (for instance brightness adjustement or desaturate). CTL is designed to be part of the Color Management process. - OpenShiva is inspired by Adobe's Hydra language from the AIF Toolkit, Shiva is a language that apply a kernel-like transformations on an image, that means it works using more than one pixel.
graphics/togl-1.7 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Tk OpenGL widget
Togl is a Tk widget for OpenGL rendering. Togl is based on OGLTK, originally written by Benjamin Bederson at the University of New Mexico (who has since moved to the University of Maryland). Togl adds the new features: - color-index mode support including color allocation functions - support for requesting stencil, accumulation, alpha buffers, etc - multiple OpenGL drawing widgets - OpenGL extension testing from Tcl - simple, portable font support - overlay plane support Togl allows one to create and manage a special Tk/OpenGL widget with Tcl and render into it with a C program. That is, a typical Togl program will have Tcl code for managing the user interface and a C program for computations and OpenGL rendering. Togl is copyrighted by Brian Paul (brian_paul@avid.com) and Benjamin Bederson (bederson@cs.umd.edu). See the LICENSE file for details.
lang/commons-jelly-1.0 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
XML based scripting engine
Jelly is an XML based scripting engine. The basic idea is that XML elements can be bound to a Java Tag which is a Java bean that performs some function. Jelly is totally extendable via custom actions (in a similar way to JSP custom tags) as well as cleanly integrating with scripting languages such as Jexl, Velocity, pnuts, beanshell and via BSF (Bean Scripting Framework) languages like JavaScript & JPython. Jelly uses an XMLOutput class which extends SAX ContentHandler to output XML events. This makes Jelly ideal for XML content generation, SOAP scripting or dynamic web site generation. A single Jelly tag can produce, consume, filter or transform XML events. This leads to a powerful XML pipeline engine similar in some ways to Cocoon.
mail/sieve-connect-0.88 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Command-line client for the MANAGESIEVE protocol
This is sieve-connect. A client for the ManageSieve protocol, as specifed in RFC 5804. Historically, this was MANAGESIEVE as implemented by timsieved in Cyrus IMAP. This is not yet fully compatible with RFC 5804, but is moving towards that from the timsieved baseline; some issues to be worked on are documented in the "TODO" file. sieve-connect speaks ManageSieve and supports TLS for connection privacy and also authentication if using client certificates. sieve-connect will use SASL authentication; SASL integrity layers are not supported, use TLS instead. GSSAPI-based authentication should generally work, provided that client and server can use a common underlaying protocol. If it doesn't work for you, please report the issue. sieve-connect is designed to be both a tool which can be invoked from scripts and also a decent interactive client. It should also be a drop-in replacement for "sieveshell", as supplied with Cyrus IMAP.
mail/lurker-2.3 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Mailing list archiver
Lurker is not just another mailing list archiver. It is capable of handling gigabytes of mail without slowing down. Lurker has been designed to scale to support sites with thousands of concurrent users and hundreds of new messages a second. If you run a high-volume mailing list archive, you should seriously consider lurker for this alone. To facilitate finding interesting data, lurker supports: * full keyword search by body, subject, author, ... * a graphical representation of message relationships * charts of the current activity about a topic * searching lists or queries around an estimated time * signature verification to confirm the author * messages markup to find related information As one would expect, lurker also supports file attachments, multiple languages, message threading, gpg key photo ids, a transactional database, automatic timezone detection, render caching, xml customization with xslt and css, multiple front-ends (3-tier deployment), and many other buzz words.
mail/xmail-1.6 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
X-based interface to the Berkeley mail program
xmail is an X-based interface to the Berkeley mail program. This version of xmail depends heavily upon the installation of the application default resources file for the proper declaration of features and enhancements documented in the man pages. If the defaults file or the resource declarations are not installed or in some manner made accessable to the X11 resource database manager, xmail will operate in only a minimal fashion. This version of xmail includes support for decompressing and displaying the content of an X-Face mail header, if such a header exists in the message being read. This feature is a compile time option, and requires the existence of the compface library routines, which are NOT supplied with the xmail sources. X-Face headers are compressed bitmap images, typically of the face of the person owning such a header. The compressed header contains only printable characters, which allows it to be included in a mail message.
mail/xmailbox-2.5 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Mailbox checker with sound and animation for X Window System
The xmailbox program displays, by default, an image of a mailbox. When there is no mail, the image shown is that of a mailbox with its flag down. When new mail arrives, the image changes to that of a mailbox with the flag up, its door open and a letter visible inside. It can also optionally play a sound through the sound-card. The NCD audio server, the rplay sound package, FreeBSD Sun-compatible audio drivers, and an external sound player program are supported. By default, pressing any mouse button in the image forces xmailbox to remember the current size of the mail file as being the ``empty'' size and to change its image accordingly. In addition, the user can optionally invoke his/her favorite mail retrieving program.
math/gmp-5.1.3 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. There is no limit to the precision except the ones implied by the available memory in the machine GMP runs on. GMP has a rich set of functions, and the functions have a regular interface. GMP is designed to be as fast as possible, both for small operands and for huge operands. The speed is achieved by using fullwords as the basic arithmetic type, by using fast algorithms, with carefully optimized assembly code for the most common inner loops for a lot of CPUs, and by a general emphasis on speed (instead of simplicity or elegance). GMP is believed to be faster than any other similar library. The advantage for GMP increases with the operand sizes for certain operations, since GMP in many cases has asymptotically faster algorithms.
math/kbruch-4.14.3 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
KDE 4 application to exercise fractions
KBruch is a small program to practice calculating with fractions and percentages. Different exercises are provided for this purpose and you can use the learning mode to practice with fractions. The program checks the user's input and gives feedback. FEATURES - Arithmetic excercise: in this exercise you have to solve a given fraction task. You have to enter the numerator and the denominator. This is the main exercise. - Comparison excercise: in this exercise you have to compare the size of two given fractions, using the symbols >, < or =. - Conversion excercise: in this exercise you have to convert a given number into a fraction. - Factorization excercise: in this exercise you have to factorize a given number into its prime factors. - Percentage excercise: in this exercise you have to calculate percentages.
math/miracl-5.6 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C/C++ Library
[ excerpt from developer's web site ] MIRACL is a Big Number Library which implements all of the primitives necessary to design Big Number Cryptography into your real-world application. It is primarily a tool for cryptographic system implementors. RSA public key cryptography, Diffie-Hellman Key exchange, DSA digital signature, they are all just a few procedure calls away. Support is also included for even more esoteric Elliptic Curves and Lucas function based schemes. The latest version offers full support for Elliptic Curve Cryptography over GF(p) and GF(2m). Less well-known techniques can also be implemented as MIRACL allows you to work directly and efficiently with the big numbers that are the building blocks of number-theoretic cryptography. Although implemented as a C library, a well-thought out C++ wrapper is provided, which greatly simplifies program development. Most example programs (25+ of them) are provided in both C and C++ versions.