Ports Search

Results 5,4815,490 of 5,827 for /net-mgmt/.(0.006 seconds)
www/plugger-5.1.5 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Multimedia front-end plugin for Mozilla or Opera
Plugger is a multimedia plugin for Unix Netscape 3.0 or later that handles Quicktime, MPEG, MP2, AVI, SGI-movie, Tiff, DL, IFF-anim, MIDI, Soundtracker, AU, WAV and Commodore 64 audio files. Since Plugger 3.0, MPEG audio and video can be streamed. Plugger is a very small plugin, because plugger uses external programs to show/play the different formats.
www/HTMLgen-2.2.2 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Python library for the generation of HTML documents
HTMLgen is a class library for the generation of HTML documents with Python scripts. It's used when you want to create HTML pages containing information which changes from time to time. For example you might want to have a page which provides an overall system summary of data collected nightly. Or maybe you have a catalog of data and images that you would like formed into a spiffy set of web pages for the world to browse. Python is a great scripting language for these tasks and with HTMLgen it's very straightforward to construct objects which are rendered into consistently structured web pages. Of course, CGI scripts written in Python can take advantage of these classes as well.
www/django-openid-auth-0.4 (Score: 0.0052506765)
OpenID integration for django.contrib.auth
A library that can be used to add OpenID support to Django applications. The library integrates with Django's builtin authentication system, so most applications require minimal changes to support OpenID login. The library also includes the following features: * Basic user details are transfered from the OpenID server via the Simple Registration extension. * It can be configured to use a fixed OpenID server URL, for use in single sign on deployments. * It supports the Launchpad teams extension to request team membership information.
www/spawn-fcgi-1.6.4 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Spawns fastcgi applications
www/close-all-tabs-1.1 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Toolbar button to close all open tabs
A toolbar button to close all open tabs.
www/netoffice-2.6.0b2 (Score: 0.0052506765)
NetOffice is a free web based project-management environment
netOffice is a free web based project-management environment written in php/mySQL. netOffice allows managing and sharing information about teams.
www/server_switcher-0.4 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Navigational help tool for web developers
Server Switcher is a navigational help tool for web developers. It allows you to easily switch between sites on your development and live servers, so that you can immediately see the differences.
www/table2clipboard-1.5.1 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Table to Clipboard extension with correct disposition
Mozilla applications allow to select rows and columns from a table simply pressing Control key and picking rows/columns with left mouse button. The selection can be copied to clipboard but the original table disposition is lost making ugly results when you paste the text on datasheet applications (eg excel). If you want to paste data in Microsoft Excel on OpenOffice Calc with correct disposition simply use Table2Clipboard. Pasting in plain text editors is also supported as CSV file (but you can change rows and columns separators from option dialog)
www/xmpp4moz- (Score: 0.0052506765)
Support for XMPP
xmpp4moz is: * A browser connector that provides rich user-to-user communication and interaction to web applications, in real-time and without server hacks. * A family of high-level components to quickly build XUL-based applications that communicate via XMPP.
www/w3mir-1.0.10 (Score: 0.0052506765)
All-purpose HTTP copying and mirroring tool
The w3mir package is an all-purpose HTTP copying and mirroring tool that can be used to create and maintain a browsable copy of one, or several, remote WWW site(s). It can retrieve the contents of several related sites and make them browsable via a local web server or a filesystem.