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Results 2,0412,050 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.009 seconds)
sysutils/magicrescue-1.1.9 (Score: 0.0014220105)
File recovery tool which recovers deleted files from a block device
Magic Rescue scans a block device for file types it knows how to recover and calls an external program to extract them. It looks at "magic bytes" in file contents, so it can be used both as an undelete utility and for recovering a corrupted drive or partition. As long as the file data is there, it will find it. It works on any file system, but on very fragmented file systems it can only recover the first chunk of each file. Practical experience shows, however, that chunks of 30-50MB are not uncommon.
www/HTTP_FloodControl-0.1.1 (Score: 0.0014220105)
PEAR classes to detect and protect from attempts to flood a site
The HTTP_FloodControl package can be used to detect and protect a Web site from attempts to flood it with too many requests. It also allows to protect the site from automatic downloading many pages or files from the same IP address, session ID or other unique identifier. The detection of flood is determine according to a set of parameters indicating the maximal allowed number of requests for the certain time interval. It is possible to set several parameters at once in order to perform more effective protection. The package uses various storage containers (regular files, DB, MDB, MDB2) to handle counter logs.
audio/gimmix- (Score: 0.0014163823)
Gimmix is a graphical MPD client written in C using GTK+2
Gimmix is a graphical Music player daemon (MPD) client written in C using GTK+2. Features: ========= * Simple and Clean Interface. * Library Browser. * Library search. (search by artist, album, filename, etc) * Playlist management (manage mpd playlists) * ID3v2 tag editing support. * System tray icon support. * Support for controlling gimmix through Keyboard. * Notification support (Displays the currently playing song in systray). * Small memory footprint.
audio/normalize-0.7.7 (Score: 0.0014163823)
Tool for adjusting the volume of wave/MP3 files to a standard level
Normalize is an overly complicated tool for adjusting the volume of wave files to a standard volume level. This is useful for things like creating mp3 mixes, where different recording levels on different albums can cause the volume to vary greatly from song to song.
devel/d-feet-0.3.10 (Score: 0.0014163823)
D-Feet is a D-Bus debugger python introspection by John (J5) Palmieri
D-Feet is a D-Bus debugger written in PyGtk+ by John (J5) Palmieri. Current Features * View names on any bus * View exported objects, interfaces, methods and signals * View the full command line of services on the bus * Execute methods with parameters on the bus and see their return values
devel/ex-1.0.6 (Score: 0.0014163823)
OSSP ex is a small exception handling library for use in C
OSSP ex is a small ISO-C++ style exception handling library for use in the ISO-C language. It allows you to use the paradigm of throwing and catching exceptions in order to reduce the amount of error handling code without making your program less robust.
devel/XML-Pastor-1.0.4 (Score: 0.0014163823)
Generate Perl classes with XML bindings from a W3C XSD schema
Java has Castor, and now Perl has XML::Pastor! If you know what Castor does in the Java world, then XML::Pastor should be familiar to you. If you have a W3C XSD schema, you can generate Perl classes with roundtrip XML bindings.
devel/windows_error-0.0.2 (Score: 0.0014163823)
Provides a way to look up Windows NTSTATUS and Win32 Error Codes
The WindowsError gem provides an easily accessible reference for standard Windows API Error Codes. It allows you to do comparisons as well as direct lookups of error codes to translate the numerical value returned by the API, into a meaningful and human readable message.
games/netrek-BRMH-2.2.2 (Score: 0.0014163823)
16-player network space battle/conquest game with a Star Trek theme
Netrek is a multiplayer (up to 16 players) network space battle/conquest game, with a Star Trek theme. Players can command one of several ship types (Federation/Romulan/Klingon/Orion) and can band up in teams. The object of the game is, basically, to control the Universe, by capturing enemy planets, killing the enemy, etc. NOTE: This is the "BRMH" client. It is optimized for speed, and so is well suited to you if you have a slowish system. However, you don't get any of the fancy extras, like colors, sound, etc. NOTE 2: This client is distributed in binary form, because it is a "Blessed" client, meaning that it has been approved by the "Gods of Netrek" and has had an RSA key embedded in it. You can, of course, compile your own client if you wish, but keep in mind that, if you do so, your client will be "Un-Blessed" and will probably be kicked out of the official servers. This is to prevent some unscrupulous player from hacking his/her client to give him/her superhuman powers ("cyborgs", or "borgs").
graphics/Chart-Graph-3.2 (Score: 0.0014163823)
Perl extension for a front-end to gnuplot, XRT, and Xmgrace
Graph.pm is a wrapper module that allows easy generation of graphs within perl. Currently Graph.pm supports three graphing packages, gnuplot, XRT, and Xmgrace. These software packages must be obtained separately from this Perl module. Information on each graphing package and it's availability is provided in the documentation on that module.