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Results 2,6812,690 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.017 seconds)
graphics/Chart-Graph-3.2 (Score: 7.9081976E-4)
Perl extension for a front-end to gnuplot, XRT, and Xmgrace
Graph.pm is a wrapper module that allows easy generation of graphs within perl. Currently Graph.pm supports three graphing packages, gnuplot, XRT, and Xmgrace. These software packages must be obtained separately from this Perl module. Information on each graphing package and it's availability is provided in the documentation on that module.
mail/change-sqlpass-3.3 (Score: 7.9081976E-4)
Allows users to change their passwords stored in a SQL database
Change SQL Password allows users to change their passwords when they are stored in a SQL database. Supports both crypted (MD5, SASL, UNIX) and plaintext passwords as well as allowing the administrator to force password changes. If you have SSL support in your web server, you may also force the connection to SSL when the user is changing her password.
net-mgmt/Mon-0.11 (Score: 7.9081976E-4)
Perl module that supports mon, a network and system monitoring daemon
This is the Perl5 module for interfacing with the Mon system monitoring package. Currently only the client interface is implemented, but more things like special logging routines and persistent monitors are being considered. "mon" is a tool for monitoring the availability of services.
security/ccsrch-1.0.3 (Score: 7.9081976E-4)
Is a tool that searches for credit card numbers (PAN) and track data
ccsrch is a tool that searches for and identifies unencrypted and contiguous credit card numbers (PAN) and track data on Windows and UNIX operating systems. It will also identify the location of the PAN data in the files and record MAC times.
security/sasp-0.1 (Score: 7.9081976E-4)
Tool that permits to use a gateway whatever IP we have
This is a tool that uses ARP poisoning to have a scenario like this: we have a LAN and we want offer connectivity to every- one coming here with his laptop for example. It could happen that our customer has his network parameters already configured to work correctly in his own LAN, but not working here. We can have then this scenario: Customer's host ( and default gateway set to Our LAN ( with real gateway All that we want is that our customer plugs his laptop and joins the internet without changing nothing of his network parameters. Here comes this tool installed in my real gw( It's a sort of sniffer, because it sniffs broadcast ARP requests for the gateway and answers that the gateway is itself In our example our customer's laptop sends this request: arp who-has tell Now our gateway does the following: 1) Sends back this reply to arp reply is-at his_mac_address 2)Create the alias (ARP is not routable so we need one alias for each subnet that is not our one) 3)Sends itself an ARP reply to refresh his ARP cache It is different from proxy arp for two reasons: first it runs in user space, then in this case we can plug machines belonging to whatever subnet, while proxy arp is used in the case of only two different ones.
sysutils/daemontools-encore-1.10 (Score: 7.9081976E-4)
Daemontools-encore is a collection of tools for managing UNIX services
daemontools-encore is a collection of tools for managing UNIX services. It is derived from the public-domain release of daemontools by D. J. Bernstein. daemontools-encore adds numerous enhancements above what daemontools could do while maintaining backwards compatibility with daemontools. See the CHANGES file for more details on what features have been added.
textproc/NetAddr-IP-Find-0.03 (Score: 7.9081976E-4)
Iterates over all IP addresses in a text similar to Email::Find
This is a module for finding IP addresses in plain text. NetAddr::IP::Find exports one function, find_ipaddrs(). It works very similar to URI::Find's find_uris() or Email::Find's find_emails(). $num_ipaddrs_found = find_ipaddrs($text, \&callback);
textproc/xml2-0.5 (Score: 7.9081976E-4)
Convert between XML and a line-oriented format similar to XPath
These tools are used to convert XML and HTML to and from a line-oriented format more amenable to processing by classic Unix pipeline processing tools, like grep, sed, awk, cut, shell scripts, and so forth. The line-oriented format used by these tools looks very much like, but is not quite precisely the same as XPath.
www/mod_mpm_itk-2.4.7 (Score: 7.9081976E-4)
This MPM allows you to run each vhost under a separate uid and gid
apache2-mpm-itk (just mpm-itk for short) is an MPM (Multi-Processing Module) for the Apache web server. mpm-itk allows you to run each of your vhost under a separate uid and gid - in short, the scripts and configuration files for one vhost no longer have to be readable for all the other vhosts.
www/mod_xml2enc-1.0.3 (Score: 7.9081976E-4)
Apache module for converting encoding before and/or after a filter run
mod_xml2enc is a transcoding module that can be used to extend the internationalisation support of libxml2-based filter modules by converting encoding before and/or after the filter has run. Thus an unsupported input charset can be converted to UTF-8, and output can also be converted to another charset if required.