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Results 2,5912,600 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.01 seconds)
Element for PEAR::HTML_QuickForm that defines a 2 box multi-select
The HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect package adds an element to the HTML_QuickForm package that is two select boxes next to each other emulating a multi-select.
devel/cvsspam-0.2.12 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Sends diffs when a change is committed to your CVS repository
CVSspam emails you diffs when a change is committed to your CVS repository. These HTML mails hyperlink to further details and use styling to emphasise information structure.
devel/semantic_version-2.4.2 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Python library provides a few tools to handle SemVer in Python
This small python library provides a few tools to handle SemVer in Python. It follows strictly the 2.0.0 version of the SemVer scheme.
devel/font-awesome-rails- (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine
The font-awesome-rails provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine for use with the asset pipeline.
devel/font-awesome-rails- (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine
The font-awesome-rails provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine for use with the asset pipeline.
games/impossible_mission_puzzle-1.0.1 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
This is a puzzle from the old C64 Impossible Mission game
This is a puzzle from the old C64 Impossible Mission game. The idea is to combine the 36 tiles in sets of 4, such that each set of 4 makes a solid block. Clicking on the tiles on the left toggles them. A tile can't be turned on if it overlaps with any existing on tiles. The lone rectangle on the right is the combination of all the on tiles. Clicking on that is an easy way to turn all tiles off. When 4 tiles combine to make a solid block, they vanish. The goal is to get rid of all the tiles. There is no score or timer. Just do it for the intellectual exercise.
games/gish-demo-1.60 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Platform game with a gelatinous 12-pound ball of tar (Demo version)
"Gish isn't your average hero, in fact he's not your average anything... see Gish is a ball of tar. A Sunday stroll with his lady friend Brea goes awry when a shadowy figure emerges from an open man hole and pulls Brea into the ground below. Following Brea's calls for help Gish suddenly finds himself in the subterranean sewers of Dross, a long forgotten city filled with twisting corridors, evil traps and some of the most demented creatures imaginable." This is the demo version of the game. Visit the website to buy the full version.
mail/policyd2-2.0.14 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Policyd v2 is a multi-platform policy server for popular MTAs
Policyd v2 Policyd v2 (codenamed "cluebringer") is a multi-platform policy server for popular MTAs. This policy daemon is designed mostly for large scale mail hosting environments.
mail/abook_import_export-1.1 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Allows for the importing of addressbooks from a CSV (comma separated values) file
Allows for the importing of addressbooks from a CSV (comma separated values) file. This will be located at the bottom of the "Addresses" section.
misc/felis-1.0 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Displays one or more files as a single line of text
Felis sends one or more files to stdin. Unlike cat, felis will place all of its output to a single line.