Ports 搜索

security/keyrings.alt-1.1.1 (Score: 0.062004834)
Alternate Python keyring implementations
Alternate keyring backend implementations for use with the Python keyring package.
security/pymacaroons-pynacl-0.9.3 (Score: 0.062004834)
Macaroon library for Python
Macaroons, like cookies, are a form of bearer credential. Unlike opaque tokens, macaroons embed caveats that define specific authorization requirements for the target service, the service that issued the root macaroon and which is capable of verifying the integrity of macaroons it receives.
security/pysaml2-4.0.2 (Score: 0.062004834)
Python implementation of SAML Version 2
PySAML2 is a pure python implementation of SAML2. It contains all necessary pieces for building a SAML2 service provider or an identity provider. The distribution contains examples of both. Originally written to work in a WSGI environment there are extensions that allow you to use it with other frameworks.
security/signedjson-1.0.0 (Score: 0.062004834)
Sign JSON with Ed25519 signatures
python-signedjson allows more than one entity to sign an object, can sign with more than one key and replace ED25519 with a different algorithm.
security/snortreport-1.3.4 (Score: 0.062004834)
Add-on module for snort to generate real-time web reports
Snort Report is an add-on module for the Snort Intrusion Detection System. It generates real-time intrusion detection reports in an easy to read format based on data collected from a MySQL or PostgreSQL database.
shells/nologinmsg-1.0 (Score: 0.062004834)
More functional native binary replacement for /sbin/nologin
Slightly more functional replacement for /sbin/nologin. Adds per-user messages, and group messages (of a form).
shells/rc-1.7.1 (Score: 0.062004834)
Unix incarnation of the plan9 shell
This is a reimplementation for Unix, by Byron Rakitzis, of the Plan 9 shell. rc offers much the same capabilities as a traditional Bourne shell, but with a much cleaner syntax. See the end of the man page, under "INCOMPATIBILITIES" for (known?) differences from the "real" rc. Scott Kenney <saken@hotel.rmta.org>
sysutils/slack-0.15.2 (Score: 0.062004834)
Configuration management system designed to appeal to lazy admins
slack is an evolution from the usual "put files in some central directory" that is fairly common practice. It's descended from an earlier system its author also wrote, called "subsets", and uses a multi-stage rsync to fix some of the problems he had there. Basically, it's a glorified wrapper around rsync.
sysutils/copytape-1.0 (Score: 0.062004834)
Program that is used to duplicate magtapes
Copytape duplicates magtapes. It is intended for duplication of bootable or other non-file-structured (non-tar-structured) magtapes on systems with only one tape drive. Copytape is blissfully ignorant of tape formats. It merely makes a bit-for-bit copy of its input.
sysutils/bsd-splash-changer-060211 (Score: 0.062004834)
Boot Splash Image Changer
This is a boot splash image changer for FreeBSD. See the post-installation message for instructions.