Ports 搜索

math/octave-forge-ltfat-2.1.2 (Score: 7.770591E-5)
Octave-forge package ltfat
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is ltfat. The Large Time/Frequency Analysis Toolbox (LTFAT) is a Matlab/Octave toolbox for working with time-frequency analysis, wavelets and signal processing. It is intended both as an educational and a computational tool. The toolbox provides a large number of linear transforms including Gabor and wavelet transforms along with routines for constructing windows (filter prototypes) and routines for manipulating coefficients.
math/octave-forge-nlwing2-1.2.0 (Score: 7.770591E-5)
Octave-forge package nlwing2
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is nlwing2. This package allows efficient computation of nonlinear aerodynamic properties of a wing. It employs 2D section data to build a 3D potential vortex model of the flow. It uses a robust Euler-Newton method to track the change of flow vorticity quantities as the angle of attack progresses.
math/Bit-Vector-Minimal-1.3 (Score: 7.770591E-5)
Object-oriented wrapper around Perl's vec()
This is a much simplified, lightweight version of match/p5-Bit-Vector, and wraps Perl's (sometimes confusing) vec() function in an object-oriented abstraction.
math/Math-Base36-0.10 (Score: 7.770591E-5)
Encoding and decoding of base36 strings
This module converts to and from Base36 numbers (0..9 - A..Z) It was created because of an article/challenge in "The Perl Review"
math/AI-Genetic-0.05 (Score: 7.770591E-5)
Pure Perl genetic algorithm implementation
This module implements a Genetic Algorithm (GA) in pure Perl. Other Perl modules that achieve the same thing (perhaps better, perhaps worse) do exist. Please check CPAN. I mainly wrote this module to satisfy my own needs, and to learn something about GAs along the way. I will not go into the details of GAs here, but here are the bare basics. Plenty of information can be found on the web. In a GA, a population of individuals compete for survival. Each individual is designated by a set of genes that define its behaviour. Individuals that perform better (as defined by the fitness function) have a higher chance of mating with other individuals. When two individuals mate, they swap some of their genes, resulting in an individual that has properties from both of its "parents". Every now and then, a mutation occurs where some gene randomly changes value, resulting in a different individual. If all is well defined, after a few generations, the population should converge on a "good-enough" solution to the problem being tackled.
math/pari-2.3.5 (Score: 7.770591E-5)
Mathematics library and advanced calculator package
The PARI system is a package which is capable of doing formal computations on recursive types at high speed. It is possible to use PARI in two different ways: 1) as a library, which can be called from any upper-level language application (for instance written in C, C++, Pascal or Fortran); 2) as a sophisticated programmable calculator, named GP, which contains most of the standard control instructions of a standard language like C. This is the alpha quality version that development is in the way. Algorithm, improvement of implementation are done. Because improvement of performance was big, ports was made as -devel in particular.
math/Math-Fleximal-0.06 (Score: 7.770591E-5)
Integers with flexible representations
This is a package for doing integer arithmetic while using a different base representation than normal. In base n arithmetic you have n symbols which have a representation. I was going to call them "glyphs", but being text strings they are not really. On Tye McQueen's whimsical suggestion I settled on the name Math::Fleximal, the set of text representations is called a "flex", and the representation of individual digits are the "flecks". These names are somewhat unofficial... This allows you to do basic arithmetic using whatever digits you want, and to convert from one to another.
math/Math-NumberCruncher-5.00 (Score: 7.770591E-5)
Collection of useful math-related functions
Math::NumberCruncher - Collection of useful math-related functions. This module is a collection of commonly needed number-related functions, including numerous standard statistical, geometric, and probability functions.
math/Math-Prime-XS-0.26 (Score: 7.770591E-5)
Detect and calculate prime numbers with deterministic tests
Math::Prime::XS detects and calculates prime numbers by either applying Modulo operator division, the Sieve of Eratosthenes, a Summation calculation or Trial division.
math/Math-Random-MT-Auto-6.22 (Score: 7.770591E-5)
Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs
The Mersenne Twister is a fast pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) that is capable of providing large volumes (> 10^6004) of "high quality" pseudorandom data to applications that may exhaust available "truly" random data sources or system-provided PRNGs such as rand. This module provides PRNGs that are based on the Mersenne Twister. There is a functional interface to a single, standalone PRNG, and an OO interface (based on the inside-out object model as implemented by the Object::InsideOut module) for generating multiple PRNG objects. The PRNGs are self-seeding, automatically acquiring a (19968-bit) random seed from user-selectable sources.