Ports 搜索

java/proguard-5.2.1 (Score: 6.364188)
Java class file shrinker, optimizer, and obfuscator
ProGuard is a free Java class file shrinker, optimizer, and obfuscator. It can detect and remove unused classes, fields, methods, and attributes. It can then optimize bytecode and remove unused instructions. Finally, it can rename the remaining classes, fields, and methods using short meaningless names. The resulting jars are smaller and harder to reverse-engineer.
java/NetRexx-2.05 (Score: 6.364188)
Human-oriented programming language for writing/using Java classes
NetRexx is a new human-oriented programming language, designed to be a simple, effective, and complete alternative to the Java language. With NetRexx, you can create applications and applets for the Java environment faster and more easily than by programming in Java. Using Java classes is especially easy in NetRexx, as the different types of numbers and strings that Java expects are handled automatically by the language. NetRexx classes and Java classes are entirely equivalent -- NetRexx can use any Java class (and vice versa). NOTE: Remember to add NetRexxC.jar to your Java CLASSPATH or NETREXX_JAVA environment. For formal details of the language, please see the NetRexx documentation at
java/netty-3.9.2 (Score: 6.364188)
Java NIO client server framework
The Netty is an effort to provide an asynchronous event-driven network application framework and tools for rapid development of maintainable high performance & high scalability protocol servers & clients.
java/aparapi-1.0.0 (Score: 6.364188)
Open source API for expressing data parallel workflows in Java
aparapi is an open source API for expressing data parallel workflows in Java. Originally an AMD product, Aparapi was released to open source on September 14, 2011. Aparapi is an API for expressing data parallel workloads in Java and a runtime component capable of converting the Java# bytecode of compatible workloads into OpenCL# so that it can be executed on a variety of GPU devices.
java/java3d-1.5.2 (Score: 6.364188)
Provides API for creating and manipulation of 3D geometry
The Java 3D API enables the creation of three-dimensional graphics applications and Internet-based 3D applets. It provides high-level constructs for creating and manipulation 3D geometry and building the structures used in rendering that geometry. With this sof tware, you can efficiently define and render very large virtual worlds.
java/javavmwrapper-2.5 (Score: 6.364188)
Wrapper script for various Java Virtual Machines
The Java VM wrapper provides a convenient system for switching between different Java VMs. It also provides symbolic links in ${PREFIX}/bin to allow the use of the Java executables without having to add the specific Java VM executable directories to the PATH environment variable.
java/springframework-3.2.1 (Score: 6.364188)
The Spring Framework for Java
The Spring Framework is the leading full stack Java/JEE application framework. Spring delivers significant benefits for many projects, increasing development productivity and runtime performance while improving test coverage and application quality.
java/springframework-3.1.4 (Score: 6.364188)
The Spring Framework for Java
The Spring Framework is the leading full stack Java/JEE application framework. Spring delivers significant benefits for many projects, increasing development productivity and runtime performance while improving test coverage and application quality.
java/openjfx8-20160228 (Score: 6.364188)
JavaFX (OpenJFX) SDK overlay for OpenJDK 8
OpenJFX is an open source, next generation client application platform for desktop and embedded systems based on JavaSE. It is a collaborative effort by many individuals and companies with the goal of producing a modern, efficient, and fully featured toolkit for developing rich client applications.
java/jtiger-2.1.0376 (Score: 6.364188)
Unit Test Framework and Tools for the Java2 Platform
JTiger is a unit test framework and tools for the Java 2 Platform. The framework provides a useful abstraction on which to write unit test fixtures and unit test cases. JTiger tools provide functionality that is often desired in software unit testing environments. JTiger development encourages Test Driven Development, though it doesn't mandate it, and any unit testing software development technique is sufficient.