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Results 811820 of 5,623 for /devel/.(0.003 seconds)
devel/gnatpython-20140224 (Score: 0.032514982)
Python package used in Ada testsuites
GNATPython is a python package to ease development of testsuites and/or build scripts in a portable way. It is an extension to Ada which exports GNAT.Expect.TTY and requires the GNAT AUX compiler.
devel/gwenhywfar-4.14.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Gwenhywfar Qt4 support library
devel/binutils-2.27 (Score: 0.032514982)
GNU Binutils for CloudABI cross-development
devel/gwenhywfar-4.14.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Multi-platform helper library for networking and security applications
This is Gwenhywfar, a multi-platform (*BSD, Linux, MS-Win, etc.) helper library for networking and security applications and libraries. It is used by several 'finance' ports, and possibly others. Gwenhywfar includes the following features, among several others: - OS abstraction functions for directory and Internet address handling and library loading (src/os/) - Networking functions which allow managing many connections to be used economically even in single threaded applications - High-level functions for parsing files with a simplified "XML-like" format and accessing them like a hierarchical database (src/parser/) It is able to process valid XML files, too. - High-level cryptographic functions on top of OpenSSL functionality (src/crypt/)
devel/hachoir-parser-1.3.4 (Score: 0.032514982)
Parsers of most common file formats
hachoir-parser is a package of most common file format parsers written using hachoir-core. Not all parsers are complete, some are very good and other are poor: only parse first level of the tree for example. A perfect parser have no "raw" field: with a perfect parser you are able to know *each* bit meaning. Some good (but not perfect) parsers: * Matroska video * Microsoft RIFF (AVI video, WAV audio, CDA file) * PNG picture * TAR and ZIP archive
devel/awscli-1.10.63 (Score: 0.032514982)
Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services
This package provides a unified command line interface to many Amazon Web Services. The currently supported services include: * Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) * Elastic Load Balancing * Auto Scaling * AWS CloudFormation * AWS Elastic Beanstalk * Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) * Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) * Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) ... and more.
devel/hadoop-2.7.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Apache Map/Reduce framework
The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using a simple programming model.
devel/hexcompare-1.0.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Compare and identify differences between two binary files
hexcompare is a curses-based utility to compare and identify differences between two binary files. These differences are then represented visually with an interactive block diagram.
devel/hg-git-0.8.3 (Score: 0.032514982)
Mercurial extension to pull from or push to a Git repository
The Hg-Git plugin is an extension for Mercurial, adding the ability to push to and pull from a Git server repository from Mercurial. This means you can collaborate on Git based projects from Mercurial, or use a Git server as a collaboration point for a team with developers using both Git and Mercurial. The Hg-Git plugin can convert commits / changesets losslessly from one system to another, so you can push via a Mercurial repository and another Mercurial client can pull it. In theory, the changeset IDs should not change, although this may not hold true for complex histories. This plugin is implemented entirely in Python - there are no Git binary dependencies, you do not need to have Git installed on your system. *** WARNING: Do not use this software in data critical production environments, only in safe test environments! This software is still BETA! *** The plugin is basically functional and usable now, but there are still some edge cases. However, there are several people using it effectively, so please test it yourself and report encountered bugs upstream (see website). Thanks!
devel/gnucflow-1.4 (Score: 0.032514982)
Tool to chart control flow within the C program
GNU cflow analyzes a collection of C source files and prints a graph charting control flow within the program. Current implementation is able to produce both direct and inverted flowgraphs for C sources. Optionally a cross-reference listing can be generated. Two output formats are implemented: POSIX and GNU (extended). Input files can optionally be preprocessed before analyzing.