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Results 1,5511,560 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.003 seconds)
textproc/tidy-1.1.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
Ruby interface to HTML Tidy Library Project
Ruby interface to HTML Tidy Library Project
textproc/libe-book-0.1.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
Library for import of reflowable e-book formats
libe-book is a library and a set of tools for reading and converting various non-HTML reflowable e-book formats. Currently supported are: - eReader .pdb - FictionBook v. 2 (including zipped files) - PalmDoc Ebook - Plucker .pdb - QiOO (mobile format, for java-enabled cellphones) - TCR (simple compressed text format) - TealDoc - zTXT - ZVR (simple compressed text format)
textproc/liblrdf-0.5.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
Library for manipulating RDF files describing LADSPA plugins
This is a library to make it easy to manipulate RDF files describing LADSPA plugins. It can also be used for general RDF manipulation. It can read RDF/XLM and N3 files and export N3 files, it also has a light taxonomic inference capability.
textproc/twitter-text-1.13.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
Ruby gem for handling of Twitter texts
A Ruby gem that provides text handling for Twitter messages. The main use cases for this gem are unified handling of various auto-linking mechanisms and extraction of usernames, lists, hashtags and URLs.
textproc/unf-0.1.4 (Score: 0.068937615)
Wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support
This is a wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support to Ruby/JRuby.
textproc/unf_ext- (Score: 0.068937615)
Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby
Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby.
textproc/version_sorter-2.0.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
Fast sorting of version strings
Fast sorting of version strings
textproc/wikicloth-0.8.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Ruby parser for the MediaWiki markup language
Ruby parser for the MediaWiki markup language, supporting: - Variables and templates - Links - Markup - Disabling of wiki markup - References - HTML sanitization
textproc/uni2ascii-4.18 (Score: 0.068937615)
Convert between UTF-8 Unicode and 7-bit ASCII equivalents
uni2ascii and ascii2uni convert between UTF-8 Unicode and any of a variety of 7-bit ASCII equivalents including: hexadecimal and decimal HTML numeric character references, \u-escapes, standard hexadecimal, and raw hexadecimal.
textproc/xml-simple-1.1.5 (Score: 0.068937615)
Ruby take off of p5-XML-Simple
Class XmlSimple offers an easy API to read and write XML. It is a Ruby translation of Grant McLean's Perl module XML::Simple. Simply put, it automatically converts XML documents into a Ruby Hash.