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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第1,3911,400项(搜索用时0.007秒)
sysutils/ucspi-ssl-0.70 (Score: 0.007771817)
UCSPI tools for building SSL client-server applications w/ TLS support
net/yazproxy-1.3.9 (Score: 0.007762503)
Powerful general purpose Z39.50/SRW/SRU proxy
The YAZ Proxy is highly configurable and can be used in a number of different applications, ranging from debugging Z39.50-based applications and protecting overworked servers, to improving the performance of stateless WWW/Z39.50 gateways. Among other features, it includes: * SRW/SRU server function, to allow any Z39.50 server to also support the ZiNG protocols * Load balancing across multiple backend servers * Session-sharing and pre-initialization to improve performance in servers with expensive session initialization * Configurable request filtering, to keep bad requests from reaching the server * XML support -- MARC records can be converted to MARCXML, and XSLT-transformations allow the proxy to support arbitrary retrieval schemas in XML * Load governor function limits requests from aggressive batch-mode clients * Configurable logging * Efficient multiplexing software enables small memory footprint and very high performance
www/gitlab-8.9.6 (Score: 0.0077531235)
Web GUI for managing git repositories
GitLab is version control for your server.
www/asterisk-stat-2.0.1 (Score: 0.0076993178)
ASTERISK call detail records analyzer
Asterisk-Stat is providing different reports & Graph to allow the Asterisk-admin to analyse quickly and easily the traffic on their Asterisk server. All the graphic & reports are based over the CDR database.
audio/Shout-2.1 (Score: 0.007645512)
Perl glue for libshout MP3 streaming source library
This module is an object-oriented interface to libshout, an MP3 streaming library that allows applications to easily communicate and broadcast to an Icecast streaming media server. It handles the socket connections, metadata communication, and data streaming for the calling application, and lets developers focus on feature sets instead of implementation details.
audio/rplay-3.3.2 (Score: 0.007645512)
Network audio player
rplay is a flexible network audio system that allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote systems. The rplay audio server currently supports SunOS 4.1.X, Solaris 2.X, Linux, SGI IRIX 4 & 5, HP9000/705, HP9000/710 and now FreeBSD. The rplay clients and client library should work on any system that supports Berkeley sockets. The X Window System is not required.
audio/streamripper-1.64.6 (Score: 0.007645512)
Splits SHOUTcast stream into tracks
Using information which a SHOUTcast server can optionally send, this program breaks an audio stream into "tracks," stores them in separate files as they arrive, and names the files by appending ".mp3" to the name of the track. The tracks can be listened to at the user's leisure with an MPEG Layer 3 audio player.
benchmarks/flowgrind-0.7.5 (Score: 0.007645512)
Measure throughput and other metrics for TCP
Flowgrind is an advanced TCP traffic generator for testing and benchmarking Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X TCP/IP stacks. In contrast to similar tools like iperf or netperf it features a distributed architecture, where throughput and other metrics are measured between arbitrary flowgrind server processes.
comms/ncid-1.4 (Score: 0.007645512)
Network based Caller ID package
NCID is a network based Caller ID package that contains a server to obtain the CID information from a modem, and a client to display the CID information on a computer, TiVo, text pager, or cell phone. Multiple clients are permitted.
databases/riak-1.4.12 (Score: 0.007645512)
Open source, distributed, noSQL database
Riak is a distributed database designed for maximum availability: so long as your client can reach one server, it should be able to write data. In most failure scenarios the data you want to read should be available, albeit possibly stale.