Ports 搜索

textproc/escape-0.2 (Score: 0.0105711175)
Ruby library provides HTML/URI/shell escaping functions
Ruby escape - HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities Features: - several escaping/composing functions * HTML text * HTML attribute value * URI path * shell command line - dedicated classes for escaped strings - escape and compose strongly related strings at once
mail/MailScanner-4.85.2 (Score: 0.010503969)
Powerful virus/spam scanning framework for mail gateways
MailScanner is a complete e-mail security system designed for use on e-mail gateways. It protects against viruses, and detects attacks against e-mail client packages (such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora). It can also detect almost all unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam) passing through it and respond to all incidents in a wide variety of ways. Not only can it scan for known viruses, but it can also protect against unknown viruses hidden inside e-mail attachments by refusing entry to attachments whose filenames match any given pattern. This can include generic patterns that trap filenames attempting to hide the true filename extension (e.g. ".txt.vbs"). It is superior to many commercial packages in its ability to handle attacks against itself, such as Denial Of Service attacks caused by messages containing the "Zip of Death". It is easy to install into an existing e-mail gateway, requiring very little knowledge of sendmail and no change to an existing sendmail configuration. MailScanner itself is entirely open source, but it uses widely known commercial virus scanning packages at its core. The other software it uses is all high quality open source software, leading to a system that can be trusted for performance and reliability.
textproc/dictem-1.0.4 (Score: 0.010446403)
DictEm is a dict client for [X]Emacs
DictEm is a dict client for GNU Emacs. It uses a console dict client (http://sf.net/projects/dict) and implements all functions of the client part of DICT protocol (RFC-2229, www.dict.org), i.e. looking up words and definitions, obtaining information about available strategies, provided databases, information about DICT server etc.
net/tcpdstat-0.9 (Score: 0.010428802)
Tool for generating statistics from tcpdump (libpcap) files
Produces a per-protocol breakdown of traffic by bytes and packets, with average and maximum transfer rates, for a given libpcap file (e.g., from tcpdump, ethereal, snort, etc.) Useful for getting a high-level view of traffic patterns.
White cursor theme based on neutral
Cursor theme based on Neutral (and jaguarx) theme, which changes all black cursors to white.
textproc/db2latex-0.8p1 (Score: 0.010393292)
DocBook to LaTeX XSL stylesheets
DB2LaTeX are a set of XSLT stylesheets which generate high level LaTeX2e from your docbook document. They do not perform any FO transformation, the only thing they do is to map DocBook tags into more or less standard LaTeX (a recent installation of LaTeX 2e is required, with most common packages. However, in more stable releases, package dependencies will be completely managed with xsl parameters, making it virtually compatible with basic LaTeX 2e installations). All the "styling" has to be done by modifying available xsl:params, overriding and customizing templates, and in the last, by adding your "sty" files.
math/cryptominisat-5.0.0 (Score: 0.0103621315)
Bindings to CryptoMiniSat (a SAT solver)
This package provides Python bindings to CryptoMiniSat on the C++ level, i.e. when importing pycryptosat, the CryptoMiniSat solver becomes part of the Python process itself.
sysutils/spiped-1.5.0 (Score: 0.010323987)
Daemon for creating secure symmetric pipes
Spiped (pronounced "ess-pipe-dee") is a utility for creating symmetrically encrypted and authenticated pipes between socket addresses, so that one may connect to one address (e.g., a UNIX socket on localhost) and transparently have a connection established to another address (e.g., a UNIX socket on a different system). This is similar to 'ssh -L' functionality, but does not use SSH and requires a pre-shared symmetric key.
mail/apolicy-0.73 (Score: 0.010291548)
ACL system for Postfix, as a policy daemon
ACL Policy Daemon is a program that communicates with the Postfix MTA using the Policy Delegation Protocol implementing an ACL (Access Control List) system, making very easy to improve and create nice controls on your e-mail traffic. You can use it to verify SPF records too.
audio/mythmusic-0.27.5 (Score: 0.010280272)
Music playing plugin for MythTV
MythMusic is a sophisticated MythTV plugin that allows you to play and manage music and audio files .i.e MP3, Ogg, FLAC, wav etc. It is specifically designed to be operated by a normal remote control.